Math Genious courses, MyEduzone Group, Muscat, Oman

Incredible! :ohmy:


Math Genius School is part of MyEduzone Group focus in providing specialised mathematic courses. Math Genius is about mental arithmetic which provides technical skill in mathematics that can be acquired intensively through finely structured. The technical skill help children to strengthens and improve their mathematical competence in calculating with speed, and of course accuracy.

Many people often assume that learning mental arithmetic is merely a method to improve the speed and accuracy of calculations, for example, adding 10-digit numbers withln a few seconds. By itself,it is already an amazing accomplishment for most young children.

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Concentration is the concentrated and directed attention towards a particular matter with clear reflection that creates a deep image and mental impression. An enhanced concentration leads to better absorption power. Studying will then be a joyfuI thlng for these children. In the abacus and mental arithmetic education children will be tralned to concentrate when Iistening to the teachers questions (that ranges from easy to difficult) and then focus on calculating the answers as accurately as possible.


Observtion is the ability to compare and analyse and differentiate objects, motives and steps. It is also a state of alertness and swiftness of the mind and senses. This comes from the need to understand the theoretical requirements of each calculation and at the same time be aware of the time, and promptings from the teachers.

Visualization and Imagination

By using the imagination of the right braln to visualize the abacus in mind, inevitably the powers of visualization would become sharp and clear. Albert Einstein believes that the imagination is important than knowledge, because imagination is the main source of yet-to-be-discovered knowledge.


Memory is the ability to store and retrieve information and experiences. It has been found that memory in the left brain would not stay long, but an image that is recorded in the right brain would stay on in the mind forever. By stimulating the right brain with mental arithmetic, and in combination with the alertness of the eyes, ears and hands, the ability to store and recall is developed together.

Therefore, the ability to solve 10-digits arithmetic problems in only a few seconds is only a small success in comparison to the actual mental training that has been done in order to achieve the skill to perform rapid calculations.

This is very interesting to me. I love how the boy is confident and amused by the young woman’s attempt to keep up with a calculator. Here in America there is the preconceived notion that abacus learning is joyless, neurotic, and uncreative. Obviously he is having fun and is proud of his abilities. Thank you for explaining that it develops a child’s right brain and ability to use visualization for problem solving. I’ve never thought about it before but your explanation makes perfect sense.

I have a son that has multiple learning issues. I have been concerned that he can’t subitize quantities more than 3 or visualize addition and subtraction. I am hoping to try to work on this issue over the summer. Also I want to make sure my daughter (Sarah) learns to visualize math before she starts kindergarten. Our school system works heavily with number lines rather than manipulatives. I want to make sure she has a firm handle on visualizing math before our school system feeds her a steady diet of symbols.

I’ve thought of using an abacus, but I’m afraid of it. I’m not sure that I will be able to train my old rigid mind into teaching it well to my daughter. Have you been using an abacus with your older daughter? Did you already know how to use it yourself? Was it a hard transition for you? I use cubes for math manipulatives but I don’t do much with math. It is more like a fun activity that we only do occasionally. I look at youtube vidoes of kids doing mental math with amazement. I toy with the idea of getting more serious with math and this stuff is good food for thought.

I am amused that we both have daughters named Sarah who are almost 4 yrs old.

Thank You, Lori

The way mathematics is actually taught here in the US IS amusing. Our country likes to reinvent the wheel and then they shake their heads and can’t understand why kids aren’t learning. That is amusing. Instead of seeing what really works elsewhere and why kids do better in different countries, someone somewhere comes up with what they think is a better idea ( which chances are its not). Actually our whole US school system ( talking about public schools here ) is a huge experiment.
They’ve gone from real learning to test taking learning. Who knows what this will do our children in the future? We’ll have good test takers but children without real life experience and common sense.It actually scares me because our children are our future.
Ugh, don’t want to get into what is wrong with our educational system over here. It would take up to many posts .

very interesting,may Allah help me to teach my kids like that,thans alot.