While checking into rightstartmath.com, I came across the following site with some games for kids, some of which are even tablet apps and wanted to share: http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivitySearch.aspx. the site is for “The National Council of Teachers of Mathmatics” and I found it because they host an online abacus (http://www.alabacus.com/pageView.cfm?pageID=321) similar to what is used by rightstartmath. for those wondering about that program, i found a sample of leval a here: http://todaycms.s3.amazonaws.com/alabacus/f6/baaf0519f9287f5a0f533776df1e27/RightStart-Level-A-Sampler.pdf as well as free webinars this month: http://rightstartmath.com/webinars/.
As for an abacus, any thoughts on this one: http://www.soroban.com/english/shopping/?pid=1207802827-689960&ca=1