Math for two year old

I am in the process of choosing where to start with my soon to be two year old. I haven’t done any math with her and don’t know whether to get LM, right start math, jones’ genius or some other, unknown program. Money is an issue, so I don’t want to start LM only to find out that two was almost too old anyway. Any suggestions? Jones’ genius looks nice since it is inexpensive and has the reading program included. Choices are always overwhelming, especially for a mom who has two hours a day (the blessed nap) to work with. Also, would I be able to use my LR to run LM files that people upload here at the forum?
Thank you very much,

My humble thoughts on the programs you spoke about:

LM: While LR is FABULOUS and remains FABULOUS, LM lost it’s zing very quickly - I started my son on it at about 1.5 (or so). He watched it intently for a few months but very soon “grew out of it” - he began fussing too much when I would try to show it to him. I wish I would have started earlier because I do believe it can help, I think I was just too late. That said, each child is different (as you’ve heard many times, I’m sure) and your child may love it for much longer than mine.

Right Start: We love it! That’s the program we’ve purchased and, luckily for me, I found a Level B complete package at a garage sale. In speaking with a rep at the homeschoolers conference I was at last weekend, she said not to bother with Level A if I already had Level B. She suggested that I just water down Level B - stretch out the lessons, give a bit more repeats of the earlier lessons and it should be fine. I appreciated that - she could have got a sale from me - I had been prepared to buy it.

Jones Genius: Also a really great program that we are implementing concurrently with Right Start. I really like the premise of this program, however, you need to be prepared to spend time on making manipulatives. It will be worth the time, but time spent on this will take you from other priorities, so be forewarned.

Math for little ones…
I say Touch Math. It is similar to Jones’ Genius but seems to be better in quality. I have not used JG but from what I’m reading and gathering you don’t get much for what you pay for.
Granted Touch Math is pricey you can easily get their worksheets to help guide you along for a lot less, or just go to Ebay like I did.
I was able to get an ‘older’ version of the program for $40. My daughter loves it and its well worth it. You can use anything around the house for manipuliatives and all the worksheets are all ready for you to use.

I’d love to try JG out just to see the differences between the two programs. Actually I’d LOVE to see samples of their curriculum online. I’m very curious about it as I’ve never heard of it until I joined this board and I homeschooled for 8yrs.

I also like Saxon K for preschoolers. Unlike the rest of their math levels the K is very hands on and just right for a young one too. Great if you have a child to young for worksheets.

Thanks for your replies. I haven’t been able to find touch math on eBay and yes, it is rather expensive. I also think that LM is probably not the way to go with my daughter. That leaves JG and right start and maybe the Montessori math. Kizudo, how old is your child? I guess I would have to start with level A although maybe I can just do what you did and go for level B instead. In any case, what is the age that they recommend starting it? Are the manipulatives reusable for later levels? It just seems that there are so many parts to it, and a lot of prep time too…Thanks for your thoughts. I haven’t even seen examples of these programs so any suggestions are of great help.

Yeah , the pickings seem pretty slim at the moment. You kind of have to keep checking ebay out to find it. Sometimes they have a ton of Touch Math stuff and sometimes its slim pickings for a short time.

I wish the program itself weren’t so expensive. But they do have the worksheets on their website that are priced really fairly. You can download them and print them out.

I find you really don’t need lesson plans for this. There really isn’t much to the PreK lesson plans. Its really simple enough to teach without them. You can use the Kindergarden downloads. Same stuff as the PreK.

Thanks Tracy. As for JG, no recommendations? I thought here of all places people would be recommending it too. As for right start math, for those using it, how much would you say you spend per year? And on touch math? Would I be able to start with a two year old?

Here is review for it :

Here is another one:

Here is an excellent resource :

And you can get more info and personal experiences by putting “jones geniuses” into the forum search engine! :slight_smile: Hope it helps!

Tracy is ther any page where i can learn about Saxon K. Is it for a 4 year old?

Thanks for the links. Will check them out as soon as baby sleeps.

Hi Liza,

I hope you’ve had the chance to check out the links posted here for product reviews. I also wanted to tell you that the people at Jones Geniuses are having a product “demonstration” - check this link to get your spot. This would be good to participate in before you buy.

Saxon K can be used with little ones. They don’t have to be 4, just ready and wanting to do math. Its very hands on. You basically use the manual to guide you and manuipulatives, and they have what is called a meeting book which is basically a book that is a calendar to teach days of the week, months of the year, etc. and counting up to I think 130. I really enjoyed using it with my daughters, and think its really, really good for young ones and there aren’t worksheets to use with the lessons. There are some on the back of the manual should you chose to use them but they aren’t a necessity. The manul is scripted. So if you aren’t sure what to say its there. You don’t have to do it word for word but its there should you feel you need to use it word for word.

Here is a link to a really good Saxon K sample.

Click sample under where it says email to friends.
The first sample is that of the meeting book. Which YOU write in. The child colors it though , as each month they use crayons to color patterns on the calendar. Then the second sample is that of the manual. You bascially follow that along with the manipulatives and it makes a great math program for little ones. I’ve used it for my younger two and they do very well with math.