Math concepts - More vs Less

Dear all,
I wonder for those with success in teaching math for your babies…i.e. those can actually tell 86 dots from 34 dots, do they also understand the concept of more vs less as well?

I mean, as far as I know, kids were taught quantity concepts before actually counting objects in a regular math curriculum,. I thought, with all these months of LM exposure, my son (who is brain injured) should at least know what’s more what’s less… at least visually. However, after several times I ‘tested’ him, he does not seem to be able to grasp that concept consistently. (he got it right sometimes but sometimes not). I am wondering if I should forget about showing math dots until he got that straight?

There are 2 things involved here:

  • being able to distinguish between more and less (ie., can tell that one is more and one is less); and

  • understanding what you are asking him and answering you

Oftentime, a baby may not know what you are trying to ask him and so would not answer you correctly (how could you if you’re not sure what the question is?).

i think that is a valid question.
my child is 15 months ,i havent started any math cards.
this question of more vs less seems interesting.
would like to see what others reply.
what is the usual age to start these cards?
i have read books suggesting as early as 6months.
i have tried with picture cards,but my child doesnt look at them ,she likes to snatch them from my hand & tear them. i read some where that if child doesnt enjoy it better not to do it.