Mastering Crawling (creeping) & Cruising on the Same Day?

Yesterday something must have finally clicked in little PokerCub’s head. He was able to propel himself on all fours at will to go anywhere in the room that he wanted. He also seemed to finally grasp the skill of moving from section to section on his stand-up toys by taking steps. in other words, on the very same day at the very same time, he figured out how to crawl (creep as Doman would call it) and cruise!

Anyone else ever notice something like this? where it all seems to click at once?

Incidentally, I hadn’t really pushed him into learning mobility since he was about 2 months old. We stopped using the crawling track since he was standing and playing,… but then, last week, I broke it out and started Cub on it again to get him moving on all fours. I had enough of his mobility delaying I suppose and just wanted him to figure it out already lol , it worked really well. He figured it out with very little track time.

But now he can eye something from across the room and get there in seconds. My job just got a bit more challenging. :rolleyes:

anyway, just thought I’d drop a note in here. I’ll probably update the blog prior to Christmas with anything else we’re up to.

Sweet! So now welcome to the land of Christmas tree anti decorating! lol
I have seen things just click in kids before and they learn 6 months worth of stuff in a heart beat but I never saw creeping and cruising on the one day. Usually it’s the arms and not the leg movements that hold kids up here. I guess pokercub wanted to learn the leg bit and managed to transfer that info to an upright position. Pretty clever :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Perfect timings, isnt it? lol

My first girl actually took her first independent steps ( at 8 months) before she crawled, and even after that she was not a crawler…

My second boy – he crawled first and yes, this was a scenario for him, it seems that all mobility options sort of “clicked at once” for him, there never was a period of crawling, then then a period of cruising. No, it did not happen at the same day with him ( pretty amazing, Poker Cub!!), but definitely within a couple of weeks.

Lets see what our third LO would do :yes: …

My 3 older kids mastered crawling and were cruising within a couple of weeks, but not on the same day. It does seem like there is a connection to be made, and once they make it they’re off! Congratulations, that’s really neat. I really love it when my kids become mobile. I actually think it becomes easier to take care of them. Yes, they can get into stuff, but you can also put them down for five minutes while you make dinner while they can learn on their own.

Well done pokercub! Very impressive.

My little boy started crawling today after a month of ‘commando’ crawling. It’s so exciting, isn’t it?

BTW I have never heard of another child mastering crawling & cruising on the same day!