Mandatory rest time

Someone I once knew had a mandatory rest time for her 4 kids. Each child had to be on their bed for an entire hour - some slept, some played, some read - she didn’t care what they did as long as they stayed on their bed.

I am wondering if any of you do something like this. I need to make a plan soon as I fear my days of afternoon naps are coming to an end. (As I write I can hear "Done sleeping, Mamma. Done sleeping, Mamma. Done sleeping, Mamma. - in an increasingly loud voice - he hasn’t even FALLEN asleep!)

So??? No one does this?
No one knows anyone who does this?

my mom did this with all her kids
she had five kids and she said she would have gone crazy if we didn’t take a rest in the afternoon
we called it quite time and it lasted for a hour and a half everyday
we could read or play in bed by ourselves (so we wouldn’t fight)
but no talking
i actually have good memories of some of the great books i read during that time
and i think it’s good for kids to spend sometime by themselves to think
it also teach to be respectful of the parents needs which i think is important
and it could help you be a better parent because of a much need break :yes:
anyway i plan to try to do this when my girls are a little older
as they still take naps now thank God lol

I have 4 kids under 4 and we all have nap time every day even if they dont sleep they are in the bedroom preferably on the bed and NO TALKING or touching anyone else works most of the time.

humm, I would think that this depends on the age of the kids. But either way, it is probably a good thing to have some designated quiet time… they don’t have to sleep, but they could be in bed with a book or other quiet activity.

I prefere my grandson does not have a nap so that we will sleep earlier 7:30 or 8 pm at most to get up for preschool the next day. But somtimes he is tired and we has to take one. On weekend it doesnt matter much since he can stayde awake later so if he needs a nap it is ok.