Makoto Shichida's Book - anyone?

Hi, I’m not sure if anyone is replying to this thread as I really need advices before enrolling my baby to either Heguru or TW … Shichida is out because they told me I need to wait till next January. Well, I don’t really want to wait and was not impressed with their attitude and quality of the sensei during the so called “demo/preview class” which they conducted (Note: Shichida no longer offers trial class).

I’ve attended a trial class at Heguru last week, and my baby cried during the introductory section, when the sensei repeated “good morning sensei, good morning children” a few times and quickly speak out the date/time/ weather and turn the clock to current time. My baby wasn’t used to the pace and tone of person talking like that. Well, I must say that the content is good, as after my baby settled down, she seems to enjoy and pay attention to what the sensei was showing / talking.

However, I have some reservation to enrol her in Heguru as I wasn’t particularly satisfied with the sensei’s English pronounciation (same like Shichida), while the sensei was flashing the cards in such a quick manner, her English was totally “off”, I couldn’t even comprehend or catch a single word that she spoke. I know I live in M’sia and I’m not looking for a native English speaker and I do understand that this is a RB class and not English class, but I guess I need to have basic requirements like the sensei’s pronounciation though not in a perfect American/British accent, it should at least be “clear” and “comprehenable”, isn’t it?

Then, I went to TW, I didn’t attend their trial class, but I spoke to 2 teachers. They speak better English (than the Heguru sensei which conducted my BB’s class) and they seem to be more loving towards baby / kids. (I wasn’t really sure cos it could be “so happen” and I can’t conclude cos there are mothers who complain about the English speaking skills of teachers in TW). After reading the forum and some mothers’ blog, the general opinion is that TW’s approach is more gentle compared to Heguru / Shichida, there are also more activities / games during the class.

Right now, I guess I do prefer TW over Heguru … Should I trust my instinct that I think this would suit my baby more?

OMG!!! you guys are SO LUCKY to have these classes in your town! i have BEGGED shichida to allow me and a friend to come to japan (or wherever) to take some classes to teach our children… and they said NO! can you believe it? UGG!!! >:(
anyway, if i had a choice… just my personal opinion, i would do TW since their english is better… as it is better to learn english spoken correctly than spoken poorly with a bad accent (that’s true for any language i guess). but i love their DVDS and would take those classes in a second. but, i would try to enroll in shichida as well, b/c he seems to get great results.
you should ask if their program continues into older grades/ages. i know TW does (at least on video)
if shichida does, i would ask what their older students are doing… like 13 or 15 yrs. are they in good schools? does the shichida school help you get into a good school? would a good school in your area like shichida or not?
i know in my area, there are some preschools that are looked down upon and the very good private elementary schools won’t take kids from these preschools. it might be worth making an appt. with your “dream” school (even if you can’t afford to go there) and find out what they look for in students, what schools/methods they like, etc. might help you make a better informed decision. doing that really helped me choose a preschool for my little one (in a year or so when she is old enough!)
good luck to you! and keep us posted,
the doc :clown:

Dear Koolci…

I have not been to other classes, so I cannot compare. But I can tell you about my personal eexperiences with the TweedleWink team. Firstly, the founders of the TW program - Pamela and Wennie truly LIVE theri brand, their children, are such gentle, loved and special beings who are living testimony to the brilliance of the Right Brain education program.

The teachers at the school (I have only been ot the Head Office in Malaysia) are absolutely amazing. They are truly dedicated teachers, and they love their work. TW especially chooses moms - as this is their preference - so that the moms really know what it’s like to love children of their own. You’re right - TW is very gentle. And iheir mottos are “relationships before results” and “follow the child” (which is Maria Montessori’s motto).

I would give anything to send my daughter to the TW school in Malaysia. You’re truly lucky, and I believe that half the addicts on this forum would give their eye teech for this opportunity too!

I can tell you that the lesson curriculum is a combination of 20 years of Pamela’s expertise, carefully constructed to pack fantastic material into one hour. The lessons, whilst gentle, do remain stimulating . Sufficient to keep even a toddler stimulated and intrigued.

Best of luck - I do hope you are guided to make the right choice!

Sorry for the late late reply coming back on this…

Hannahtee - The fees for all three classes are comparable - all roughly around RM1k per month and slightly more if you take the weekend classes. I was also doing all the research to see which was the “best” school but after learning more about right brain, I’ve come to realise that the “best” school is the one that you and your child are happiest at. Right brain is all about emotions and feelings. If your child is not happy, he/she will not learn. If you are not happy, your child will feel it. So you have to go with what makes both of you happiest.

As for books, I posted a link further up - there is the TW book by Pamela Hickein and there are two Shichida books (in English) which you can buy directly from the Shichida Japan website. I’ve got all three and still reading through them… (slow reader, plus been very tied up with other things lately).

Koolci - I have no experience with Shichida but had the same problem as you - the waiting list was too long. My sons have been to TW and Heguru and this is what I feel…

I totally agree with Sarah - TW is very relaxed and peaceful. When you step in, the place exudes calm. I love that. I feel so comfortable in class with my baby. My baby is high needs and likes to be “walked” when he’s fussy or tired. I find there is more space in TW (bigger rooms and less parents/students - max is 4 students per class; Heguru is 6 students so you can imagine how crowded the rooms will be with parents). Personally, I like TW for it’s atmosphere. The teachers I met all spoke English very well, too.

What I liked about Heguru was that the pace was faster - which seems to hold my baby’s attention better. Also they play more games which my older boy enjoys. I’ve only experienced two teachers - one spoke English decently, the other, not so good. Then again, Heguru also teaches Japanese and Chinese so I guess they need teachers who are multi-lingual so I guess it can be hard to find someone who speaks all the languages fluently.

At the end of the day, I think what is important is that you and your child like the class. If you have to attend the class with your child, you need to be comfortable as well because your baby will feel your discomfort and become agitated by it. So yes, trust your own instincts about which would suit your baby more.

Doc - I still have to update you about the Shichida book I’ve been reading. I’ll start a new discussion because it addresses some questions others have been asking - like why Linking Memory so young when it’s a left brain activity… Gotta go - baby’s calling.