Makoto Shichida Education

I have read some of Makoto Shichida telling about the forseeability of a baby so trained from the right mind programme… actually we have used the flashcard to train our gal since she was 2 month +, lately we find that when she was watching the video, suddenly she would look at the door and seemed to show us that somebody is coming when we cannot hear any sound. We asked if mom / dad is coming back, she will node her head to say “Yes”, then after a while, within a mintue, mom / dad will show up in the door. I have seen Shichida’s book has mentioned this ESP but I do not know if it is really the case… just wonder if anyone here can share the experience in it too. Thanks.

ESP is one of the more, shall we say, ‘interesting’ parts of the Shichida Method. Apparently, ESP is at the highest in terms of ability during the child’s early years, and I presume it’s also a domain of the right brain.

I know of some kids in Shichida class who would tend to get more right on these ‘guessing’ games than other children, and consistently too. Very fascinating, as I witnessed one session myself, and he got it right about 8/10 times, and typically it was a 25%-33% chance each time.

Would be interested in other people’s experiences too.

The Eyes Have It - How children learn to read minds.

Humans are social animals and our evolution has developed the ability to deduce what another person might be thinking and to predict behaviour based on that deduction. Infants pick up non-verbal signals well before they learn to speak.

From around four months, babies learn to look at other people’s eyes to figure out intentions. Even at two months of age, infants look longer at eyes than at any other part of a face. Experiments have shown that eight- and-nine month-olds look automatically at an adults eyes if an action was ambiguous-for example, if the experimenter offered a toy but pulled it back, or placed a toy in front of the infant but then placed a hand over it. Eyes communicate both by the direction in which they look and by revealing emotional states.

From about the end of the first year of life, babies learn to infer from the direction of an adult’s gaze what an adult is looking at or thinking about.

ESP (extrasensory perception)

Randi $1,000,000 paranormal challenge
