(be warned - my r and t keys stick, so there may be a few type-o’s)
Wow, it sounds just left of socialism in Australia. How nasty! In reply to this, I was searching for "breast feeding) because there is a bill that will be going before Congress to allow mothers to take breaks to pump for their infants when they return to work. . .
I have been using Weston Price’s goat milk formula, modified since my first (now 25 mos.) was 4 months old. I started out wanting to nurse exclusively, but my supply was very low. I was so devastated because I had read about the benefits and the downfalls of formula… Anyways, my son was 9lbs. 8oz. and had a need to be nourished. I started using formula, along with nursing- did it til’ he weaned himself at 6 mos.- he was colicky and cranky, had horrible gas and spit up constantly. He also had a greyish hue under his eyes which I see on kids all the time and immediately recognize a formula baby. My mom had raised us on home formula made from evaporated milk, very common in olden days, but although that helped him fill up, he did not stop being gassy, uncomfortable, and spitty. It was bad. I did all kinds of research, and even spoke with Dr. Mercola and a place in Utah, and goat milk was recommended. The Am Academy of Pediatrics stated that babies would have renal and kidney failure, as well as possible dehydration… that happened in the 30’s if not enough water was given to the infant, as there is little or no water in the formula, naturally, issues would arise… I was scared, but after 3 days of goat milk, he blossomed. His color changed, he became a happy, attentive baby, and he grew 4 sizes in a month. He is 2 now and is yep, built like a tank. He is in size 5T and pediatrician always says that if all his kids were as healthy as he and my daughter are, he could retire in good
My daughter was born 1 month premature at 7 lbs. 12 oz. and I tried nursing once a again, but her mouth was very small and it was hard to get her latched. Also, the lactation consultant doesn’t tell you, but too little food makes for jaundice. The pediatrician said, feed her or there will be trouble. So I had my mom make the formula and bing it to the hospital, and yup, you guessed it… the nurses though I was loopy… i sopped immediately. She is 11 mos. old and super-strong. I give them both high-quality supplements and they glow.
At some point, I read that kidney failure could occur, no now, bu some time in the future, although no studies were performed, and that in old days, if no wet-nurse was around, people would just let their infants die, although there is direct reference in the bible and Greek mythology about feeding babies milk.