Making Videos (DomanMom style) - Merged

Dear KL and All,

Since I am more of a novice with computers than most, and do not have a digital camera or recorder, nor am I a “mp3/ipod” user, and I have not really used Powerpoint too much, I am unfamiliar with how to create/use the multi-media files that make LR a multi-sensory teaching tool. At the moment I am only creating flashcards with words and reading them to the girls. I feel like I am depriving the girls from the maximum potential of LR. :confused:

And after watching the following video (that I believe is by DomanMom - my new heroine), I want to know how to use LR to create something like this:

This is why the how-to videos are important to me, since my background is very limited with multimedia. So, I guess I would be most interested in either reading instructions or seeing a video on how to create and customize a playlist from beginning to end in order to benefit from LR more. The videos on creating words and categories are informative, but I am still a little lost on the playlists and how to use them for the Doman method of reading.

Thus far, I have created five sets of words with five words in each set and show each set 3 x per day with time in between each set. But it seems like the playlists combine sets. And then you can vary the method of presentation depending on the type of media that you have and want to be displayed during the playback - which is what I am guessing is in the Bits video above?

I plan to upgrade soon - after we figure out what is slowing down my laptop and I am able to install the Arabic Desktop publishing software.

And at this point - I only have big red words as flashcards. :rolleyes: My poor girls have a technically challenged mother.

I hope that is clear. And thank you for your patience! :slight_smile:


Hi Y’all!

I have a couple of questions…

Can anyone tell me how to do this? I don’t own any type of video camera. But I sure would like to be able to organize a few sets of “flashcards” to show to my little one on the big TV upstairs.

Thanks, as always, for your help! :biggrin:

To do that, you would have to switch to PICTURE ONLY (FLASH) mode. You will have to make individual CATEGORIES and play them separately, or string them together as a PLAYLIST.

If you want to flash as fast as that, it would be better if you say the words yourself ‘live’ instead of recording them - that’s cos most Windows audio recording programs always adds a gap in the beginning of audio files so there is always going to be a slight delay. If you read out the words yourself, make sure that the “NEXT SLIDE PREVIEW” is switched ON.

If you add the voice recordings, make sure you put them as PICTURE AUDIO, or if you put them as PRONUNCIATIONS, make sure that for Picture Audio, you check “Play pronunciation instead”.

Other little things:
To have a word title followed by pictures, you would still use PICTURE ONLY (FLASH) mode, but you would make the first picture the words as an image (you can use Picture Editor to create such a picture that is just words).
For animation of clapping etc at the end, the best would be to use an animated GIF with corresponding clapping sound.

Not easy, but can be done.

If you’re referring to the Bits video, I just replied to a similar question about using LR to do this here:

[EDIT: thread has now been merged with this one]

Yes, the create video function will be included in the next LR version.

Thanks for the reply!

If anyone else has made or knows how to make a DVD using a computer, I would really appreciate help with that.


I have an idea to make a VHS. Not sure if it would work for DVD (maybe if you have one that can record). What you would do is hook the video out as well as the audio out from your computer up to your cable box (Mine has several different variety of inputs including aux video, HDMI, etc). Then you put all of the files you want to have on the video in one playlist (or several playlists that you would then manually play sequentially). I would put at least the first file on manual advance. You then go to the starting screen on your first playlist and start recording, at this point you start manually advancing. If you have chosen to put all the files you want on your video in one playlist you can just advance through the material, stop recording and you have your video. If you have chosen to use several different playlists, so you could vary the playback settings, then you would just have to stop recording at the end of one file, set up the next and then restart. I have done something similar to this before for a different purpose and it worked great, but I have no idea if there is a way to make it work for a DVD.

My TV is older so it doesn’t have all of the inputs my cable box does, but it also might be possible to hook your computers video/audio out to your TV and record directly off there.

Also, I’m sure you could go to radio shack and they could help you find the right cable.

Thank you linzy for the great idea. :smiley: However, I do not own any kind of recording device. :frowning: I guess I should invest in one sometime. I’ve been fiddling with my computer to see if I can go directly from my computer to a DVD. I’ll let you know if I figure anything out. :wink:

Thanks again for your help. I sure appreciate it. :yes:

Dear KL,

Do you have any idea of what software was used to make the above video? - your input is much appreciated.
feel free to elaborate LOL

Thanks a million!!!


Alright, I did it. :laugh:
I got Photo Story 3 (free download from Microsoft) and Free DVD Maker (a free download that I got from and made my first slideshow that I put on a DVD. I’ll have to keep working on it a little, but it wasn’t bad for my first try.

(It would have gone a little faster if the programs that were already on my computer worked, but they didn’t :wacko: Took me a while to figure that out.)

Boy, I hope the baby likes it. He clapped for the “Great job!” and “Yay!” parts (when I showed him a preview on the computer). :laugh:

Awsome THen! Maybe I will try, my husband’s Laptop has a DVD burner. and I know Blaise would prefer to watch on a TV and then he wouldn’t be distracted by an intense desire to hit the buttons on the keyboard. So, what exactly did you put on it? Did you do an introduction, how many categories,any animations, etc…

Hi linzy!

I’ll try to attach a small screen version, so you can see what I did. (I’m not up on the youtube thing yet, and I only made it for Matt - you know, the creative commons thing :wink: )

I showed it to my baby and he lost interest at the States. I might have to put another picture of him in the middle. :wink: (It worked for the numbers :slight_smile: )

I just wanted to try it out, so I didn’t give a lot of thought into content. I’ll try to plan a little more the next time. I’d like to get a little encyclopedic knowledge in it. But, I thought starting with the names of the animals or paintings/drawings were a good beginning.

:slight_smile: THen

I am really impressed. Your video is really good. That was some creative thinking. I want to try now, I’ll have to see if my husbands laptop has a DVD burner.

You’d have to ask DomanMom… :slight_smile:

Hi linzy!

I’ll try to attach a small screen version, so you can see what I did. (I’m not up on the youtube thing yet, and I only made it for Matt - you know, the creative commons thing :wink: )

I showed it to my baby and he lost interest at the States. I might have to put another picture of him in the middle. :wink: (It worked for the numbers :slight_smile: )

I just wanted to try it out, so I didn’t give a lot of thought into content. I’ll try to plan a little more the next time. I’d like to get a little encyclopedic knowledge in it. But, I thought starting with the names of the animals or paintings/drawings were a good beginning.

:slight_smile: THen

Awesome job!!!

Dear All,

I sent the following e-mail to DomanMom on 01.28.09 AM (EST):


Bit Presenation

Bit Presenation
Dear Liz575,

Several parents on the forums of BrillKids are curious about which program you used to create the Bit Presenation:

Would you please share with us how you made this, so that we can also create similar Bit’s for our children?

Thank you.
Ayesha Nicole
New Doman Mother

And I hope she will reply directly to the thread.

  • Ayesha :wink:

I’ve merged the other thread about the same topic with this one.

I believe Doman Mom used power point to create hers. After I saw hers I made one but attaching all the audio files to each slide was a bit tedious for me. And then you just have it auto advance. However I am currently making one with photostory 3 as THen suggested an have found it to be really easy and then you could even burn it to a DVD. However I really look forward to being able to do it with little reader as that would be the easiest of all.

Hi everyone,

Yes, I used a simple PowerPoint presentation to create that video. After creating the PowerPoint presentation I simply set up my video camera in front of the computer screen and recorded while I clicked through the presentation and narrated. Not the most high-tech solution but it worked for the time.

Right now I’m working on creating more high-quality bit time videos using a PowerPoint to Video Converter. The free service I am trying out is

Hope this helps!