Making best use of Little Musician

My baby is nearly 15 months old and has been doing Little Musician since he was about 8/9 months old. Sometimes we listen to the same lesson twice in one day, sometimes just the once. We have done over 100 lessons and he has a little Fisher Price piano with one octave of keys that he sometimes bangs about on. When should I start to see some sort of impact? Because so far, he doesn’t clap, doesn’t sing, doesn’t react at all to the software. He doesn’t resist watching it, but neither does he actively want to. He watches and smiles. I have no idea whether he is understanding the notes, whether he recognises sounds, or even if he recognises the tunes.

What are other people’s experiences with their children? And should I be doing something differently?

Are you singing and clapping? My kids definitely build off of each other. They take turns singing the notes, etc, and I always have a turn too. Otherwise I don’t know if they would sing with the program. We also do a lot of singing throughout the day here and there and gives LMs some context, for example, singing the scale as we go up and down the stairs. We haven’t had as much luck with the clapping, but they do think that part is fun and it’s a time for us to do a little “karaoke”.

Here’s how I look at it:

Any 2 babies can get the exact same amount of language stimulation, but they will not start talking at the same time and overall their language development will not be the same. Both babies will eventually speak all the languages of their environment and needless to say they will not speak languages they were not exposed to.

Same goes for anything else. Expose a baby to something consistently, and he will learn from it, but when he chooses to start experimenting with his knowledge and show you what he knows, or when he figures out that he can do things he sees others doing, is really up to that individual.

Sounds like you and your little one are doing great Chukwuma, have fun!

well said Mamofwill! I agree. just focus on Imput, don’t worry about seeing results. It is unlikely (but never imposible :wink: ) that a 15 month old will sing a chord with perfect pitch and then move over the his fisher price piano and play a concerto. :biggrin:
I do agree though that the more enthusiasm you show the more you baby will copy. Over all I suggest you just keep going until your child is older and regularly communicating in a variety of formats.
Enjoy the time.

Thanks all of you for the advice. You’re right, I have no idea what is happening in his head! He seems happy enough and we do it regularly. That’s what counts. So… watch this space! Thanks very much for your help.