making a baby math genius

My favorite blogger presents research evidence that babies as young as 8-months show an enormous capacity for “statistical reasoning, experimental discovery and probabilistic logic".
That has been my experience, that our babies are capable of so much more than most adults give them credit for. She also makes the case for plenty of free time so our kids can explore, discover :slight_smile: and develop. Good stuff here.

ya they do have but we adults don’t want believe it.

very cool
children are just so amazing
karma to you for the link

is it just me or does the blogger really seem to hate early learning? :confused:

Funny you say that, I stumbled across a few forums and such that make it sound like parents that use programs like YBCR are wating their money and in the end all kids will level off and be the same. I mean back when I was a kid there was no time that the whole class was “level” even in something like reading. The kids whos parents worked with them and expected something of them usually did the best(not always but usually). Anyhow sorry if I’m off topic

Mc Dume, I think this Janet Lansbury has very good articles on babies.
I have a strange feeling that do not know if it is UPSET or DISAPPOINTED because people ( me among them before my grandsons arrival) do not realize what marvelouse is human brain, specially from babies to 6 or 12 years. I have to make big effort not to talk about what i learn on this forum because the consider me weirdo (had to use translation for BICHO RARE, literrally RERE INSECT).
Thanks for the link.
Karma for that.

I am convinced that if we underestimate what our babies are capable of, if we don’t allow them to develop to their fullest capabilities, then we are doing a great disservice. It is difficult for adults to realize that although physically a child may seem awkward, weak, helpless, the brain is firing on all cylinders, always developing, searching, discovering, learning.

Agree. In fact, I wouldn’t even say these kids ‘usually’ did the best.

You could not be more right.