Maddy's baby reading 40+ words at 16 months with Little Reader

Here’s a video of our Editor Maddy and her 16-month old daughter Naimah, showing Naimah read over 40 words using Little Reader.

Maddy started using Little Reader with Nim when she was 10 months old, and started noticing that Nim was reading words after her first birthday. However, the hardest part is not so much the teaching, but catching it on video! (I can attest to the difficulty after having tried many times to catch Felicity reading on video!)

Read more about this on Maddy’s blog here:

Well done, Maddy and Nim! :smiley:

Thanks KL - but it should really be well done Nim and Maddy. :biggrin:

Yes, it took a while to film the magical event… nearly two months in fact! I’ve documented the epic movie-making journey on my blog… :wink:

If you’re out there trying to video your little one reading, hopefully you can learn from my experience (e.g. keeping it monochrome can help!).

Interestingly, ever since we made the video, Nim’s been even more into reading – asking for it 2-3 times per day. I have a feeling this could have something to do with the experience of making the video: she was so happy at being able to read all those words (multiple times, as there were multiple takes) that she feels quite pleased with herself about reading in general.

So “testing” turns out to be not so bad after all!

Very cute and a real proof of the pudding! Great job with LR!

thanks for the blog - I have been failing for 3 months to catch H on video - its so frustrating - but will keep trying!!!

well done to you guys !

Love the video! I noticed that you use the black back ground with the white lettering. Is this way better?

Your daughter is adorable and your blog is fascinating. I also had a similar experience at the zoo with Colin. The only thing he was interested in was the monkeys. I am hoping this summer will be better. He was 13 months when we went the first time. This summer he will be 22 months.

She is adorable, and I love her little voice!

She is very cute. Congratulations to you !

What a cutie! Not only can she read the words, but she says them all very well!! You have a very smart baby. I’m heading over to your blog to read all about it. (ok, just read it… love your interpretation of “Nine”!)

I think what amazes me the most is that she’s just sitting on your lap with you. My son would be ALL OVER the computer and insist on using the mouse. I’m so grateful for my laptop and autoforward in LR/LM!! lol

Babies are SOOOO SMART!

Dear Maddy,

WOW! :yes: Congratulations! Sarah & Salma love watching Naimah reading.

What is your method for using LR? Are you following Doman method of retiring a word a day and introducing a new one? Or do you do retire a set of 5 words per day?

I am setting up categories of 5 words for each day already in the set

Day 1 Set 1
Day 1 Set 2
Day 1 Set 3
Day 1 Set 4
Day 1 Set 5

Day 2 Set 1
Day 2 Set 2
Day 2 Set 3
Day 2 Set 4
Day 2 Set 5

etc. and after Day 6, the sets have one word retired/one introduced - and I am working my way through a list of 200 words, as suggested in the Doman Reading book. And then I will follow the same format for each of the steps.

And where do you get your sound clips/sound effects from, please?


P.S. NorCalMommy - I am teaching my children to “not touch” my laptop that is on a counter while they sit on my lap. And if they touch after the 1st reminder, I put them down and will leave them - even if they are crying/screaming/whatever. When they stop crying, I will ask them if they want to sit in Mommy’s lap and explain that they cannot touch or they will be put down. It takes repetitive consistency in follow-up action from the parent, followed by positive reinforcement by "catching them doing something right! (the desired behavior) and a lot of patience! :slight_smile:

It was amazing to watch your girl reading and pronouncing them so nicely (and cute).
I have the same question as Ayesha Nicole. Is it crucial to retire one word per day from the set. when I read the Doman’s book, I was so confused by that sequence. so when I do it, I simply introduce a new set of 5 words each week…they will be same every day of the week…then a whole new set the following week. Does anyone do it like I do? I hope it’s ok.

Hi maddy you say it takes nearly 2 mths to film it. So over the 2 mths you keep repeating those words? meaning teaching those same 40 + words over and over again??

Or did you use rotating words 15 + new words a day, by retiring old words etc, and then one day while doing a new session … she suddenly was able to read …?? Or is it the same old words?

Also did you do other programes as well?? like math and other languages at the same time during those 2mths?

just wondering how you achieve such excellent results … my child won’t even see the same old words more than 5 times altogether … after 5 times she wants a new word or she will go … but she can’t read or should i say speak words yet.

Hi everyone

Sorry, I have been so busy lately. I hope you will all forgive my incredibly late (and long!) post.

Nikolett, purplefungi and VNV, thanks for your sweet comments! :slight_smile:

Hsmummy, I feel your pain. :wink: I persevered because I wanted to prove that Naimah could read those words. If you don’t persevere and just have a casual go, you could end up with something like Signing Genius!

I think if you do what I did - isolate the words your baby knows, present them in monochrome, and keep trying - you will get there.

People say testing is bad, but I actually found that Naimah got even more into reading after I made the video. She was stunned by her own brilliance, I think, after a few sessions of being able to read every word (!). Normally she will not know at least 2/3 of the words I show her.

LUV2READ, as I explained in my blog post, I made the discovery that Naimah was having trouble reading colored words on colored backgrounds (and maybe also in certain fonts). She could read the words perfectly when they were black on white, but then the words were not visible on cam. Then I realized that white on black would be just as legible to Nim, and also visible on cam!

patreiche, aww shucks! :blush: It sounds like Colin was more interested in the animals than Nim tho. I mean, only the squirrel - for like, two seconds! And then it was just leaves, leaves, leaves. lol Kids are hilarious! (But then, Disneyland was another matter. Certain parts of Disneyland are just made for the under two’s.)

norcalmommy, another aww shucks! Nim now says “Mine” (a lot) instead of “Nine” - we’re in the full throes of toddlerdom now. :wink:

If you saw some of my early attempts at shooting the reading video, you would see me constantly taking Nim’s hand off the mouse and stopping her from bashing at the keyboard. That’s why you need to put the keyboard away. And did you notice the mouse is out of reach??

Come to think of it, although I never meant to shoot the video at night, it might have helped in the sense that Nim was a bit too subdued to be grabbing at things. So although mornings are best for kids, maybe evenings are not so bad when it comes to making LR videos!

Ayesha Nicole, I think that what you’re doing is awesome and you should not change a thing. Personally, I did something more lazy - I’m not proud of it, ha ha… but I think you have to do what works for you.

In the beginning, I would make a playlist out of five categories and put it on shuffle. Then, I would make a whole new playlist for the following week - but at the weekend I would revisit the old playlist(s).

Later, it became a bit more random. I didn’t make so many new playlists. As soon as she saw the LR screen, Naimah would be saying, “Amals, amals…” (animals), so I would show her animal categories. Luckily, there are plenty available through the Forum!

Very good teaching, Ayesha! I had to do something similar when Naimah was hurting me while nursing. A great lady told me to immediately stop whenever it happened and wait 15-20 mins before resuming. It was really hard to do at first (Nim’s desperate cries would really get to me)… but man, did she learn fast! :wink:

MIP1999, sounds like you’re doing the same sort of thing as me - only with fewer words! I would show Nim several dozen words, but if your baby is younger, it would be appropriate to show fewer in the beginning.

trinity papa, no I didn’t keep repeating those words over two months. I actually had a much bigger playlist to begin with - words I had noticed Nim knew (funnily enough, it was when I couldn’t get my speakers to work that I noticed how many words Nim could read!). As I tried to make the video, the playlist got whittled down to just those words - the ones that she knew every time, without fail. Some words were added towards the end of the two months too, because her normal lessons were going on at the same time.

I wasn’t doing any other programs at the same time (except for Signing Time DVDs - which reinforced some of the vocabulary actually). I am only just starting with Little Math - after my initial, aborted attempt at Doman math. Basically, I won’t do anything that requires six repetitions a day!

I do some foreign language stuff on LR, yes - but not as much as the English. It’s more to get Naimah’s ear in (for example, in Chinese) - but I don’t expect her to remember how the words are written. Especially as I don’t! Ha ha…

I would say that if your child doesn’t want to see the same words, the most important thing is the follow your child’s lead. Getting a video is not the most important thing. It’s just that in my case, Nim has a few obsessions (like animals… and body parts - especially her belly button! Every child, it seems, has a belly button obsession!!). So we actually used to watch the same words a lot - at Nim’s request. :biggrin:

I think that’s everything. Let me know if there are any more questions, and I promise not to take so long to reply this time!!


PS For all those who read my blog, I thank you! And I say: leave a comment. Don’t be shy!!

Wow! I enjoyed this video and it looks like you’ve made so much progress. Any updates on Naimah?

Also wondering how Naimah is doing now since its been almost three months since you filmed that video. Saw on your blog that she is enjoying Dr Seuss - those books are fun.

Laurana has started wanted certain books over and over and over (at least she wants the whole book rather than just one page of it) I haven’t managed to film my child reading at all so perhaps I should get started with your suggestions.

Are you still breastfeeding her and when do you plan to stop if so? I am cutting down Laurana’s feeds at the moment but it is such a battle - I defintely think it is time to stop now as she has entered pretend play arena with a bang and now each of her dolly’s needs some breastmilk - its a bit much!

What a great video. Naimah was talking so well at 16 months. Her speech was really clear (especially impressive when saying words of more than one syllable). My son has just turned 14 moths and can say about 40 words, but no where near as clear as Naimah. Maddy, did Naimah just all of a sudden have an explosion of words? and if so, when did this occur? It would be interesting to know if she was already talking quite clearly at 14 months or if she was quite different then.

It is so wonderful to see how much she enjoys reading.

Re. an update, Naimah is just reading way more words that she was when I shot the video. I can’t say how many but the speed that she learns them at amazes me. Like, when I started doing the LR curriculum with her, I’d only showed her it twice when she read “Action Words.” :slight_smile:

She also reads words out of context now - which she didn’t used to do at 16 months. Like, she’s read the word “Stop” on a sign next to the swimming pool, and just today she read “My Day” off an episode of Signing Time. That got me. :wink:

Re. BF, yes, still going! I’m sure Nim won’t wean as long as we’re co-sleeping. I want to move her into her own bed soon (around her 2nd birthday - which is in less than 2 months’ time), and then hopefully she’ll night wean. Day weaning doesn’t bother me. I would be happy if she self-weaned, but right now I wouldn’t have the heart to wean her. Sometimes BF is a real life saver, toddlers’ emotions being what they are. It’s like flicking a mood switch and a few times, has made the difference between our being able to stay/go out, or having to go/stay home. So I do appreciate the benefits.

Re. Nim’s speaking explosion, it’s hard to remember, it was so long ago - but luckily I blogged about it at the time:

Around that time (11 months), I wasn’t having trouble understanding her. I was having trouble at 10 months… which is why baby signing was so handy! (

I don’t think a 14-month-old should be expected to speak clearly though. I know 2.5-year-olds whose speech is garbled. At this age there’s a big range in terms of “normal” verbal skills, just like there is for physical development. Some 2-year-olds I know are running and jumping everywhere; others, like Nim, are still learning to go up and down stairs. :wink:

oh wow, she is soo cute! Great job Mum and Brill kids easy reader! This is the type of video that brings hope and determination to carry on.
Well done!