LR vs LM

Not sure if this is the right board for this, but…

I have just started to do Doman reading program with my kids (4yo and 15 mo.) And I just recently found this site : )

But I am interested in LR and LM. I had been thinking about started Doman math too, but from the sounds of it, my 15mo old will probably not be interested in watching dots. My 4yo probably won’t be too interested, either. But with LM I can change icons to keep the 15mo old’s interest.

I will probably get one program, since I am trying to keep costs down. Which would be more beneficial, LR or LM, since we are already doing a reading program. And would LM even benefit my 4yo at all?


Wow, that is a tough one.

My non-expert opinion is - if you are already doing a reading program, I would go with LM, as it makes doing a math program so much easier. It may not help your 4 yr. as much. I read that 3 is usually the cut off for children being able to identify quantity in a flash. (You can always give it a try, though, as there are exceptions.) And, you can always slow down the speed and use LM to help her learn the math concepts of addition, subtraction…

You could also work on getting forum points so you can get LR for free and use the Lite version (it is free) until you have enough points.


I would recommend getting LR.

Not only because reading is the basic of all learning, but because you can contribute and earn points and use them for a discount off LM.

Good points, Lawrence!

I have the same question.
Soon I will have 10 000 points for the purchase of one of these programs.
I think, I will start with LM because I can not replace it with anything else.
There is a large collection of *.ppt slideshows available. I am also very used to powerpoint. And my child most likes the slideshows prepared by me. So I think LR can wait :slight_smile:

one is 4yrs and the othe ris 15 mth … get LR

LM, dot counting does not work for toddlers … only babies. That is 1 yr or below … after that … its going to be difficult they loose that natural ability unless start at birth or 3mth … if work hard … you would probably only get the 15mth to do math but not the 4 yr old … good luck

I believe that the ability to perceive quantity is still possible well beyond one. But LM teaches so much more than quantity. You can teach numerals, counting and equations. Plus, children can begin to associate quantity with numerals. That is very helpful for a child who is learning how to count or do basic arithmetic. I think it is a great teaching tool for kids of all ages. I wish I had it when I was learning my multiplication table!


I posted this question somewhere else, but knowbody reply, so I’m going to try here since you are talking about LM. I’m trying to decide between the Doman Math Kit and LM. I’m not sure if you can accomplish the same thing with both of them. Since I have not seen either one and I’m not sure what comes with each of them. I know with LM you can change the icons, but what else does LM offer that the Doman Kit doesn’t? What kind of file do they come with LM when you buy it?

Hope you can give me some light.


Have you read through this page? It explains a lot about LM. It comes with a lot of presets and icon sets, and it is very easy to make your own. We also have tons of icons available for download. I can’t compare to the Doman kit b/c I have never seen the Doman kit. But I can say that you can flash so much faster with LR than with paper flash cards and being able to use icons that interest your child is important.

If I am not mistaken, there were replies to your post. Well, it was not your post I don’t know where you posted, but this is what you seem to be asking.

if you want to teach your child using red dots than you don’t need to buy anything because in brillkids slideshow library you can get all the necessary flashcards and print them out or use them as slideshows. It is all you need according to Doman. There you can get also flashcards with other icons, and demonstration shedules.

So, I would advice to check the local free resources before you spend your money.

may be after some time you will find that it is hard to keep the interest about these dots.

In LM, there are various icons (cars, fruits etc.). You can add your own icons including the photo of your child.
You can switch slides manually or automatically.
Slices come with sound.
You can show the cards much faster than you can manually.
Somehow this program keeps the interest of my child very well (I participated in demo testing).

Thank you, thank you, thank you to both of you! :yes: I don’t know what I would do without this forum! :nowink:
I looked for this topic before I posted one, but I could find it. Anyway, the link was exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks again!

Thanks for all your replies. I didn’t know there was LR Lite, I will have to check it out. I will probably get LM. I do want them both!


Hi yes i am sure anybody can perceive quantities but only upto a certain range unless arrange in order 5 by 5 or 10 by 10 and we just multiple. But that is not how red dot or other replacement is suppose to be done to teach maths doman or shichida style.

Red dot maths was suppose to give the baby and early introduction to the world of numbers, and maths. If continued thru it would give speed calculation, babies are born with it and needs to be kept constant with it otherwise they lose that ability. And in this case flashing red dots or or baby faces, theoretically, its the same concept, and babies have this vision whereby they can easily capture the quntity and decode it easily. When i was doing the maths dot with my child at 6 months she was able to eye (since they can’t understand point yet) the right card, but another friend who started out at 1yr … was not able to do so even after 3 month, espcially if the number goes beyond 30 or more… as such we not the diminishing ability to see and instantly knowing the number of dots on the cards. The appropriate way would be to introduce actual physical quantities say in sticks or balls or marbles… and relate to numerals with first 20 and so on, montesorri style … that is a different approach is required and could start at 2yrs …

It took me more than 1 yr to do all of it to be able to get my girl to do 5 step mixed equation, and i did it religiously … , if knowing numbers is the name of the game then montesorri would be way to go … it will include maths subsequently once familarization with numerals … this would be for your 4 yr old … for the 15mth … like i said it would be very very trying, to get him to sit still to look at a flash cards, but if your succesful, then LM can do lots … i wish i had it last yr … because before you can flash to your baby you practically have to do all the math equations and pre arranged all the cards, and if you only have one set you have to avoid it clashing with the same numerals … and therefore restrictions to the number and types of equations you can have in one session … not like it is impossible but very very frustrating and tiring …

I believe Little Reader Lite is discontinued.

read this

Here Domanmom says

I started Glenn Doman’s math program a few months ago with my son when he had just turned 30 months old (which is considered the cut-off age). … I am happy to report that all of Doman’s claims have proven to be true. Hunter can now tell the difference between a card with 98 and 99 dots on it, and can add, subtract, multiply, or divide any number instantly.

Hi there…

LR vs LM, Tough one…
Since you are already doing a reading program, I would say go for LM. Math is all about quantity, structure, space, change, and related topics of pattern and form. You can use different icons to hold your 15 month old’s attention. You can try the same with your 4 yo, with his favourite icons, may be cars, trucks, so on. But with this child already knowing the numerals, you can show quantity and numerals, so that the child gets an idea what the numeral stands for. You can even upload presets and earn enough points to get LR at a later stage. Math and its understanding is important as it helps to quantify the universe. So give a headstart in Math along with Reading. See what interests them and use that icons, give it a try.

I didn’t know that LR Lite was discontinued. Sorry about the misinformation. :frowning: Well, that makes the decision even more difficult.

I also noticed, in the forum shop, that you can get LR for free for 10,000 points, but you can only get a 25% off coupon for LM. So many things to consider.

Hi angie frukc is right about doman mom …

As the child gets older they get mobile and it gets harder to get them to sit down to look at the card. They all, we all, have the math ability in us, just that we don’t use it often enough or young enough we loose that ability with age. But with training, and determination, even adults can gain that right mind or brain ability. Just its going to be tough and difficult. It needs determination and dedication.

So as with young children, they tend to be very mobile and running aqbout trying to get them to sit down to see dots on a screen is going to be … well my child is 15mth and she isn’t happy seeing flash cards least dot cards she prefers books. And as with domanmum’s method, well lots of effort and determination on her part, failed at first stopped for 3 mths then start all over again. And she use dot flash cards at first and keeps flashing as and whenever, and still trying to keep it fun.

Believe me for professional mothers or fathers, least non-professional ones, it isn’t easy. If your not a professonal mother, you can’t alway keep up the teaching, you can’t keep up the joyous mood all the time while teaching … it will be tough. But like doman mum, if you can it would be a great success. Otherwise, it may end up trying to teach for the sake of it, and it could back fire and the child may end up hating maths … ( i am not trying to discourage, but inform about the pros and cons.)

Let me offer an alternative that you can try, … i think this will work for toddlers
For myself i started her at 3m, she isn’t mobile and so would be happy to see a dot show by me. I did it fast and complete the entire dots by 3mths, but when i started numerals she starts to get mobile and have less interest. We actually had to stop for a while. Or get slower meaning doing occasionally alternate days etc.
But a method i found easier was when she was drinking her milk tuck nicely in mummy’s arm i do the numeral flashing and the equations. It helps as she can do numerals now. So unless your child is still drinking milk or your hubby is willing to flash …you will be able to get things thru quickly and nicely. But no gurantees. And you will need dot cards, not those on a screen.

Thereafter, when she understands quantities go straight to numerals and equations. Toddlers think faster, move faster reacts faster … and you will have to continuously keep up the program all thru to hopefully school takes over … otherwise … again they loose that edge … (many people didn’t seem to say this part, they just presume that the skills retains forever.)

Personally, My wife and i never did those dot cards but we are good at maths and are professionals. What is important though is to start them early, in whatever means suitable for them, rather then doing it because everybody is doing it. It will end up creating more unhappiness in the family. But then again what’s a 6 yr old to do with calculus and chaos maths?

Thanks again. I did just find out LR Lite is discontinued. It sounded like a great one to start with.

Someone else also mentioned a 2 week free trial of LR. I looked all over the site and couldn’t find that. Are they still offering it?

I think I may just focus on the reading for now. Both kids are starting to get antsy with the flashcards. I can’t imagine adding one more thing to the mix. But LM with the car symbols might entice my 15mo old.


Great discussion. I am also interested in this. Would anyone that has used Little Math share as to whether they have seen results?