LR suggestions

I just finished day 4 of LR with our almost 5 month old son. I know it is very early in the program but I need some suggestions on how to make the experience better for him. Right now he wants to bang on the keyboard. I stopped using the pad and connected the mouse to stop him from seeing me use the keyboard. Now he grabs for the mouse cord. I sit him on my lap so he is close enough to the laptop screen. I might try to put LR on our TV but I am not very tech savy so it might take me some time to figure it out (more like get the proper cable).
Do you think he just is not ready for LR yet?

What we recommend in these cases is to use a wireless mouse and use it under the table or something. During lessons, the keyboard is locked anyway (except for the ESC key), but you may still want to move that away (wireless would help) to avoid any distractions.

If it doesn’t help, then put LR away for a while and come back to it a month or two later. Children respond to it differently at different ages.

Thanks for the reply. I stopped using LR on the computer for now. I am reading the LR books to him and he is getting the idea that the books are not toys for him to eat. I have to hold them out pretty far but I hope these little steps will help. I plan on starting the computer learning again soon.

Sorry to ask, what is LR?

Hi Riskbreaker,

LR stands for: Little Reader, our flagship early learning system to teach babies to read. More information can be found here:
