LR pattern phonics for Speed Reading?

Today my child ‘invented’ a new game for herself…I am hoping other parents have seen the same thing…I can’t see how it could be detrimental, but…
The only part of LR that she doesnt seem to enjoy is the pattern phonics section…in fact, the only way I get her to watch it at all is by telling her that that section is not for her at all, but for her stuffed hen that A is ‘teaching to read’! Even though she signs ‘pretend’, she is still willing to do this, probably because she thinks mommy doesn’t realize that her hen is a toy! lol
So this morning she decided to make a game out of shouting out all of the pattern phonics word before the computer read them, trying to ‘beat’ the computer :unsure: Maybe I should turn off the sound and let her do them herself? Or is it a game that will encourage her? Afterward, she turned and looked at me like, there, see, do we HAVE to do these again?
Anybody have any trouble with their kids and this section?

Yep some days but not always so I figured it was because it was at the end. I considered doing this one first but always forget to. Now the speed reading is interesting, if she beats the computer she is quite right, she doesn’t need to do that section lol
I wonder if we sped it up even more could we use it for speed reading training?

Hi Keri! Your DD is so creative, it’s her way of turning a rather “uninteresting” situation into something she can enjoy. I think it’s ok for you to turn off the sounds but not everytime. The clear pronunciation is helpful for her reading. If you’re going to flash it fast, then the only way to go is no audio as it will get cut-off before the words are pronounced. I didn’t have the same problem with Cammie before. In fact just the opposite, it’s her favorite part (no kidding!). For my second child, he looks away. He likes anything with music and not so much with words.

If you want to focus on speed-reading, single words are not the best way to go. Well intially, it’s single words but the eyes should be trained to move and track fast. Rapid flashing of phrases and sentences should follow (ala Tweedlewink). I’m not an expert in this but it’s from my observation with my child.

Mandabplus3-that was my thought as well, she gets such a kick out og going through them so quickly…I wondered if there was a way to speed them up even more, but as Nadia0801 has pointed out, the sound gets cut off…to tell you the truth, she enjoys it much more whenI read them myself, so this might not be too much of a problem if I sped them up, turned the sound off, and read them myself. Provided I can keep up with her!
Nadia0801- this was A favorite part for the first two weeks, but she hasn’t seen anything new yet and I think she is just bored with it…probably my fault for not making up more of my own content!

We are doing TW and she seems to like the speed reading sections, but I don’t think they are going fast enough for her yet…even when reading a new book and I am reading at a fairly rapid pace to her, ifI stop and point the next word for her to read, she often finishes the rest of the sentence while barely glancing at it…

I was hoping that the JonesGeniuses SpeedReading program would work for her, but it seems to be geared for much older kids reading the classics…I sent an email to Chris at JonesGeniuses to see if the same principles could be used for younger kids and am awaiting a response, so we will see…she seems to really want a new type of challenge and is reading phonetically…not quite sure where to go from here…any ideas?

I saw a speed reading program on right brain kids website, its what they recomend to use after their wink stuff becomes too slow maybe it will work. heres the link,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage5/product_id,160/category_id,37/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/

If you get it, or if anyone else has it, I would love to hear all about it :slight_smile: