LR and flashcards, both?

I have been doing flash card pictures/words with my daughter and am now looking into getting LR. We just started the trial. Do most of you do just LR, or would you continue the flash cards as well? I have been flashing cards 4-5 times a day, and doing LR on top of that now twice a day. I made a TON of flash cards and want to still use them. I am just not sure it’s best to do both or exactly how to go about it. Both are keeping her interest, especially the LR. I love how there are video clips in it. My dd is 20 months with Down syndrome, BTW.

If she likes it, keep doing them both! When my kiddos were little, I would print out one LR category a week to insert in the flap binders and show daily along with and that day’s digital LR lessons. As long as she’s enjoying it, there’s no such thing as too much input. Good luck!

Sounds good, thank you!

It looks like we’re doing things from the opposite direction! We’ve been using LR for the last few months and I’d like to add in physical flashcards since Yirmiyahu (19 mo) focuses much more on physical cards than the screen. (I think LR doesn’t hold his focus as much because his siblings find it so interesting that they all cluster around him and he gets distracted by them and starts to look at them instead of the screen!) So far it works best for us when they aren’t around, when it’s the evening and I turn all the lights off - that helps him focus on the computer. That strategy makes it hard to do it more than once a day! I’m looking into buying a printer and laminator so I can make him cards to reinforce the screen time.

Yes! Distracting siblings are an issue around here too. :slight_smile: We have this laminator and LOVE it. I have made hundreds of cards and have had no problems whatsoever.

oops, here’s the link.

Thanks, Jill! My mom is currently visiting the US and I asked her if she can bring a laminator back for me - locally it costs over $150 and then I have to buy the printer which also is really expensive here. Hopefully she’ll be able to!

We did not use laminator, because of the costs and time involved. But we used these cards: and loved them.

We have those too.

it’s better to buy the cards from brillkid store its really cheap almost 100 cards for 15$

Yep, we have those. :slight_smile: