Low Interest in LR / DVDs

Hi all! Currently teaching my almost 6 months old to read using the following:
a) Home made flash card
c) Little Reader
d) Story books

of all the mediums used, he clearly enjoys flash cards the most. his eyes seem to lit up whenever we pick up the flash cards and he will intently look at the cards while we are flashing. To the extent he even ‘complains’ when it ended and we have to use some other toys to distract him.

I would think that a baby would be more interested in YBCR or LR since there’s animation, sounds etc but that does not seem to be the case. he often looks away when the song ‘Twinkle Twinkle LIttle Star’ is shown, even cries when ‘Old McDonald’s Farm’ song is shown. For LR, he will concentrate when the words are flashing but when it comes to pictures, he can easily get distracted / looks away.

This makes me wonder should i just flash words to him since he’s clearly enjoys that? Should i stop showing the DVDs / LR (multisensory and picture flash)?

By the way, we also showed him Baby Signing DVDs and he loves it! Just not YBCR / LR…makes me wonder why?

Would appreciate insight from more experienced dads and moms! thanks! :slight_smile:

First of all, good job on starting this early. I started at about the same age and my daughter was not interested in flashcards (words at all) At around 7m i started doing my own EK card (thus with pictures) and it became all too weird to be playing hide and seek or limit the number of cards to 2 or 3. So I stopped.

Since your baby is more receptive to words and physical flashcards, my advice would be:

  • Focus on flashing words, small sessions, but several times a day.
  • A lot of book reading, since your son likes it. Point at words if you feel like it (you can read more on the ‘native technique’ of teaching how to read on this forum)
    (+ have you considered maths dots?)

And for the time being, restrict LR and YBCR: I think it is a clue that your son is not that interested in them, he might be sensitive to medias such as TV and computers. Too much stimulation to him.

Then maybe in a week or two, slowly introduce LR at a good time for him and check his reactions. Does he dislike sounds? or images? if so do word flashing only, but don’t bore him.

When he’s used to screens, maybe try another program than YBCR. Monkisee teaches how to read, and you have discount coupons here. Maybe he’ll enjoy the puppets more.
But don’t ‘force’ TV on him.

I would be delighted to have had a baby like yours, honestly. I wrote many times on this forum how I couldn’t read a book or play LR etc etc… before my daughter was over the age of 13m. That is very frustrating!

Now she is 19m and concentrates a lot more. The trick is to alternate everything, so they don’t end up disliking books, toys, games etc.

Good luck!!!

Great advice! It seems your baby is the opposite of most–most babies dislike flash cards and like the other media. Hypatia may be right about too much stimulation. It may just be too much for your baby to focus on at this time. Just stick with the flash cards and books right now. You can always try the videos and Little Reader in a couple of months and see if he likes it. It’s important to always follow his cues. You want to make learning a fun experience.

Thank you for the advice! Guess I might be over-zealous to do too many things at one time. We actually started with YBCR first but ever since we started physical flash cards, he’s losing interest in the DVDs (except for baby signing time :slight_smile: ).
Will restrict them for the moment and re-introduce at a later time…depending on his interest. I’m preparing the maths dots flashcard currently. wanted to just do it using LM but since he’s not too keen at the moment, think i’ll use flash cards.
And yes, I must remind myself to make learning a fun experience for my baby :smiley:

Good example of how every baby is different!

We often hear about how a baby may be interested in one thing during a particular period, then disinterested later, and not interested in something now, and then suddenly becomes highly interested in it a few months later.

Babies are different from each other, and even the same baby may be different over different periods! So if there is no interest in something now, try it again a few months later.