Love of reading/books

My daughter will be 22 months old in a short while. For the first time tonight she went to bed with a book - to be honest I’d rather it was a soft toy purely for comfort sake (books are rather hard) but its clear she likes reading - every night now she gets a book out of her bookshelf and comes to me saying “read, read” While she is still not yet reading books herself, she definitely “reads” the pictures and can retell a story in single words.

How do you know your babies/children love books? Any cute stories to tell?

I knew my second child was going to love books because when she was only 12 months old she would hold the book and ‘read’ the story to herself…“bla bla bla” (baby talk)… and then turn the page and do it some more. It was SOOO adorable! A few months later, if we left the girls with a babysitter, then we would suggest the babysitter start reading a book to her just before we left and that would guarantee no tears. I knew nothing of teaching babies to read early… never even heard of it. But after she watched her older sister learn to read, she was begging me to teach her to read when she was 5 years old. I spent about 15 minutes per day with some beginning phonics readers (you know… they start like “The fat cat sat on the mat”)… and in about 3 or 4 months she was reading regular library books on her own so there was no point to the readers anymore. Before she turned 6 she could read fluently (like from a newspaper or something at that level). And she has never stopped reading since. She’s 12 now and I couldn’t even guess how many thousands of books she’s read… her bedroom floor is littered with them. (I’ve sometimes asked myself, “do my girls read TOO much?!”… sounds so strange to wonder that, eh?!)

My son is 12 months old, he started to throw tantrums few days ago. My husband and I didn’t understand why he was behaving that way, we thought he was being difficult. But then when he starts to behave that way I started to read him books and then his behavior started to change and also everytime when we read with him we point at the words with figures as we read, he has started to point as well. What I do now is as I read I’ll hold his hand and point at words with his fingers, he loves that. :smiley: I 've been reading to him since he was born about 10-15 books a day. He loves his books. We also watch brainy baby tapes:ABC’s, numbers, shapes and colours, animals, art and music which he loves very much. The problem is there are not enough hours in a day. But I’m happy to say my baby loves book.