Losing neurons by felling down?

Hi There, My son has started walkin in his 10th month but he still fells down very frequently and sometimes he really hits his head very hard either to carpet or to wall. I feel very bad ofcourse when it happens and I blame myself because of not preventing and protecting him… What can I do to help him walking more stable:) I trying to find calm games but it takes 15 min for him to start running at home…another question ; Is he losing his brain cells when he fells off? I wonder if any one knows these questions’ answers… thx

I don’t think he is losing any brain cells at all. If I were you, I would only worry if he gets some bruising or swelling from the bump, otherwise just try to supervise him as best as you can but try not to worry too much about that.

There are helmets you can buy if you are so concerned, but all babies fall and bump their heads frequently. It’s just a part of learning how to walk. You probably bumped your head quite a few times, and I’m sure you turned out fine, right?

bumps and falls, esra, something you cant avoid with a toddler, and babies if they are active! just bump proof in areas you can and thats the best you can do and I assure you more than 90% of their falls wont do much to them except the bump of course!!! my son is like I always say hyperactive beyond words, and I lost track of the amount of his falls! the worst so far is one from off a staircase when he was just 13months old, and he did cry alot that time unlike before, but after 3-5mins the cryin subsided and he was all normal again! and once he had a bump that turned blue in color and the only time I rushed to the ER cos of his bump, but it turned out all ok!
if their is fall, and he hit his head, just look out for some signs for a concussion, like if he becomes sleepy at a time he shouldnt be sleepy and he has any difference in movement or speech. Dont let them sleep for aleast an hour if possible and if they do check on them every once in a while. check for the pupils, if one is bigger than the other, its a concussion and most imp if the baby acts strangely, then its time for doc, but again I should tell you when they fall, we moms get so worried we feel they are acting strange, so I advice that moms first try to calm herself down before attending to baby! I have gon through this too much now I can calm myself when he bumps his head, but assure you esra, I was more worried during his first falls than you probably are right now cos I wouldnt let him live normal for a few hours thinking he had a concussion!!!

Signs and Symptoms

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Concussion symptoms can occur immediately following a head injury or can develop hours or even days later. Signs that may indicate concussion in a child who has suffered head trauma include the following:

* Awkward (uncoordinated) movements
* Behavior or personality changes (e.g., irritability)
* Dazed or stunned appearance
* Inability to respond (unresponsiveness) or answer simple questions (e.g., Do you know where you are?)
* Loss of consciousness
* Paleness (pallor)
* Post-traumatic amnesia (short-term memory loss; inability to remember events prior to or immediately following the injury)

Symptoms of concussion following head trauma include the following:

* Blurred vision
* Difficulty concentrating
* Dizziness
* Drowsiness
* Feeling faint, sluggish, lethargic, or confused
* Headache
* Nausea
* Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
* Slurred speech
* Vomiting


Here is a thorough article on concussion, if you’d like to read