Looking for suggestions for downloadable materials to use without Internet

Hi! What would be your suggestions for best downloadable educational materials for a 7-year-old who recently immigrated to the US and speaks very little English? Her native language is Spanish. When she visits us, we play Reading Bear for her, which she really enjoys. I think it would help her with her English if she could work with it regularly. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to use Reading Bear offline. We’re planning on buying her first computer for her as a birthday gift, and I would like to load it with as much fun educational material as possible. She has no Internet connection at home.

I’ll be grateful for any suggestions!

So, I have found out that there’s a thing called Khan Academy Lite that can be downloaded and used without Internet. I have also asked BrillKids if they would be willing to donate free licenses of their software. Looking for more suggestions!