Looking for suggestions for baby sign language

We started to teach our 8 month old baby sign language a couple of days ago using the book Baby Sign Language Basics by Monta Briant. I was looking at gettting the Baby Signs program, but read that they only use ASL some of the time. Has anyone used this program? If so, did you like it, or is there a different program you would recommend? I think I would prefer to use ASL as much as possible. Thanks!

baby signing time

Definately the best signing time product out there.


Check it out youtube it… search the forum, and check out the website. My kids loved it!

In our situation… both my 2 year old and my 1 year old both prefered the signingtime version to the babysigning time version. If I had to do it over again I would just do the signing time series because I found that baby signing times signs were repeated in the forst 3 volumes…

There are tons of reviews and comments on babysigning time here on this website. Theres even a discount opportunity so start contributing to the LR program and rack up some points to get a discount and try them out. Definatley worth the time. :slight_smile:

We used baby signing time dvds and signing time dvds as well. I highly recommend them. I also did the same thing mandi sugested to you. First, I checked on you tube some of the musical videos that they have posted and my daughter loved them (she didn’t like to watch to much TV in the past) as well as signing time’s web site.

Also, if you are more interested in asl than baby signs your can also check this website that has a great online sign language video dictionary

Hope this help.

I think everyone who has tried Signing Time and Baby Signing Time will highly recommend them. I have never heard any complaints. I started signing with my son when he was 6 months old, and he never signed back to me until we started watching the DVDs at around 12 months. A week or so after we started, he signed his first word and then had a signing explosion. I wish I would have started him on them sooner, but I am so glad that I got them.

Here is their site http://www.signingtime.com/ You can get discounts here on the forums. We also have some video samples in our video library.


this is a site that I fell in love with. I use it all of the time. When i started signing with my first child he was around 5 -6 months old. Brainy Baby has some videos or did that he loved. I found mine at a local Dollar General or family Dollar store.

I started signing with my son when he was 25months. He was not able to talk and needed a way to get his needs across to be, it was at the point where he was having behavior issues because he was so frustrated. He started attending a bi-lingual/bi-cultural daycare that taught english and ASL and by the time he was 3 had over 80 signs he could use and understands more then I can count.
For us Baby Einstein First Signs gave us our jump start. This was the only DVD from that series I did not ebay and saved for future children. Then I took a class with Baby Sign, but I found that I prefered to use ASL that way he was learning a second language.
Sign Time is a great series. We took lots out from the library, just because I had bought the YBCR series, and could not afford to dish out more money for those DVDs at the time, but if I have more children I will most likely buy them.
Just watch the DVDs with your child, sign every day and if your child will let you do some gentle hand over hand and help your child understand what to do with there hands.

I did use Baby Signs and my little daughter loved it! Not only did she love it, but as I learned more and signed with her more, as well as her dad, we were able to communicate with her in ways that wouldn’t have been possible without it. She was able to tell us all kinds of things from lights she saw and her desire to read a book to wanting more of what she was eating or that she was all done her meal. It was great! I believe that giving her the ability to communicate with us before she could talk was one of the best things we could have done for her. It was amazing to my husband and me how much a little person thinks about before they can speak their thoughts! lol Whatever program you choose, have fun with it and you will not regret it. My daughter is now a few months over 2 and talks a mile a minute mostly in complete sentences. Although I love the new things she says, I cherish those moments of early communication!

I started using signs with my son about 4 weeks ago, when he was 7 months old. He just turned 8 months today and used his signs for the first time, signing for ‘milk’ and ‘eat’ 10 minutes before his dinner time!
I was over the moon as it proved that using it consistently really does work!
I didn’t buy any DVD’S or books, I just downloaded one ‘cheat sheet’ off the internet with the signs i felt i wanted to teach and used them consistently- before, during and after the action i was signing. I feel this will greatly reduce the frustration my boy feels because he is quite impatient and starts grunting and groaning if he doesn’t get what he wants pretty quickly! (I’ll have to deal with that issue when he’s little older, i think)

Keep signing, and remember- you are a good mother!

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Posted by: nomzinto
I just downloaded one ‘cheat sheet’ off the internet with the signs i felt i wanted to teach and used them consistently- before, during and after the action i was signing.

Nomzinto, could you please tell me the site from which you downloaded the ‘cheat sheet’