Looking for studies on brain development in vegetarian or vegan children

As the post is asking, does anyone know where I can find some studies on the above. My eldest daughter is not a huge fan of meat she doen’t like it and my youngest can’t tolerate dairy. I don’t think it is a huge deal to raise vegetarian/vegan children but some around me do so i woud like to direct them to studies for them to read.


With a vegan diet everything is just fine. Just look after the omega-3-fetty acid like it is in huge amount in linseed oil, B12 like it is in soy or rice milk and eat algea from time to time for your iodine.

In fish there is a huge amount of mercury.
Scientists say mercury is linked to Alzheimer, it can build it.
And in addition, in fish there are plenty of other unhealthy heavy metals.
It’s safer to use linseed oil or other to get your omega-3-fetty acids for the nerveous sells etc.