looking for photographic memory aides for children

I am looking for a program or flashcard system that can help improve photographic memory for my 30 week old twins. I definitely remember several magazines that showed 2 pictures side by side. One of them had very minor differences. The object was to find all the subtle differences. Has anyone seen a program that does exactly that? Can anybody recall what magazines I might have seen those in (because I can’t remember). I’m trying to work on Right brain activities and help with memory recall.

Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


I’m not sure about a program exactly like that, but look into Memory Magic. You can get it on our project partners page with forum coupon discounts too. :slight_smile:

I recently started using it more with my DD although we’ve had it for quite a while. There is a silly story feature with 10 stories and 10 cards each. You can start with #1 and work all the way up to memorizing 100 objects in a row. I believe at Tweedlewink centers their memory train is 300? They also have a memory flash 'em game where they show 10 pictures in rapid succession and then you pick the correct ones out of 20 or so.

Another excellent resource is Shen Li’s blog http://figur8.net (I believe it’s Shen Li’s blog anyway, forgive me if I am confusing people) She has lots of good memory and right brain activities on there. http://www.figur8.net/index/

Mandala is another good way to stimulate photographic memory. The child in this example is older than your kids but you can model this and allow them to watch you until they get the hang of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY_NvFfVGZY You can buy some mandala patterns here http://www.rightbraineducationshop.com/products.php?id=13

Thanks TMT! Figur8 is me :smiley:

John - you might be refering to the photographic memory kit? You can purchase it online here:




If you live in Malaysia, I have also seen them selling at Kinokuniya bookstore.

Otherwise, there is Memory Magic and the Mandala activity (as TMT pointed out) and the Wink Program from Right Brain Kids which is also available in the partner pages.

In right brain education, they believe that flashing numerous flashcards rapidly can also stimulate the photographic memory function in the brain (which said to be present in everyone), so simply making your own flash cards and flashing them for your children will help.

Hi, I found Memory Magic is popular for right brain traning. I am staying in Singapore. I would like to purchase for my 3 yrs old daughter. Where can I purchase them? Would the shipping cost be very expensive if I purchase from http://www.acceleratedlearningmethods.com/contact-us.html?

We carry Photographic memory kit and Mandala and other right brain training materials.

You can check our store


Please feel free to get back to us for any assistance.:slight_smile:

Great! Thanks for the info.

hi, my boy now is 18 months. I’m showing him LR and LM. Im wondering the Mandala and Magic Memory is it suitable to him now? thank u