looking for longitudinal data on effectiveness of this program

Hi, I’m new here. Just discovered this website and program a couple of days ago. I have a 1 year old son and would love to start teaching him to read using this program. I’ve been doing some research online and have been finding a lot of mixed messages about the benefits / negative side effects of teaching children to read before they are ready. Are there any longitudinal studies that can show the effectiveness of this program? Any information is appreciated.


There is a book called “Kids who start ahead stay ahead” (http://www.amazon.com/Kids-Start-Ahead-Neil-Harvey/dp/0895296144).

Also there was an article today on MSNBC showing that children who’s mother’s were coached in how to play with them in a stimulating way had higher IQ’s. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42765198/ns/health-kids_and_parenting/)

But if you just look at stories and videos of the members of this site you will see how amazing the results can be.

Here’s my son doing math: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXQ3KfWiv6Y

and reading: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBjkrM27EBY

Here’s Dad Dude’s son at age 3: http://forum.brillkids.com/mgallery/?sa=item;id=1351

If you search you’ll find many more. In general the point is that kids who learn to read (and other things) early at the very minimum will never have reading problems or negative associations with learning to read as they learned it effortlessly as when they learned to talk and more likely if they continue to advance at even a normal rate will continue to keep those gains.

Thanks so much for the information and the videos. There is a lot of information on this website that I am just starting to explore. How old was your son when you started him on this program? Did you just do this program or did you do anything else?

In the quick research I was doing online I was coming across concerns of dyslexia for children who learn to read using a sight reading / whole word approach so is a cause for concern for me. I understand that the little reader program uses pattern phonics as well as a sight reading / whole word approach so I am going to look into that more.