Looking for an app to help record new vocabulary words...

I just started reading longer books to my 3 year-old (E.B. White books, etc) and we frequently look up the definitions of new words on the ipad or iphone. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good/easy way to keep a running list on the iphone of all the vocab words we look up? Ideally, I would like the defintions there too and have it in a format that we can easily review the words later. Any ideas/suggestions? Thank you!

Sorry, I can’t help you there, but check out this link and you will find some presentations that Daddude made of vocabulary words for Charlotte’s Web and the Trumpet of the Swan. They are very nice.


Hi TheyCan,
We use GoogleTranslate. If you “star” new vocabulary words, you can review those “star”-ed words later. When you master old words, you can un-“star” them.

I can’t believe I said stars that much in my post, and none of them was grammatically correct. :wacko:

Thank you!! I will definitely use Google Translate to review any French or Spanish words we look up from now on! I never thought to utilize the “history” or “starred” features. It was neat to see what we looked up two years ago! However, it doesn’t seem like it’d be best for English words since there aren’t definitions - unless I’m missing something. KristaG - thank you for reminding me that he had a Trumpet of the Swan presentation! We used the Charlotte’s Web one awhile ago. Thanks!!

This has made me realize that all I need is a dictionary app with a history feature…much simpler than I was making it out to be!! Lol.