Looking for Advice: if your child can say the word in one language only

Hi Parents,

I am trying to teach my baby two native language (Dutch and Spanish) and English will be her third language.

I was wondering if you could provide me any advice.

My baby understands everything in both language but she has started to speak some words in Dutch (not my language) and when I am talking with her, she understands when I say a word

Per example:
I say: Do you want apple? (in spanish)
she answers: yes, apple (in dutch)

Do I have to correct her or repeat the word in Spanish or in Dutch? I want that she learns spanish but I don’t want to “hurt” her dutch.

So, What do you do in these cases?

Thanks a lot in advance for your response,

Kind regards,

Let me just say that I am not a professional, so this is just my opinion.

I would imagine that since she is understanding the language (Spanish), there is no cause for alarm. It may be that she just doesn’t want to speak Spanish, yet. Some kids just want to do things their way ( I have one of those!).

I wouldn’t correct her, but maybe up the exposure to Spanish a little bit to make it more accessible. Are you teaching her to read? Maybe up the ante in Spanish to encourage her to speak.

Of course, it may just be that you have to wait until she is older to try and emphasize using one language at a time. I think you are okay, especially since she is not combining the languages when she speaks. That shows that she knows they are not the same language.

She may very well think in Dutch, and thereby it is her “official” first language by choice. Then her words would come out as she thinks them and in the language that she thinks with. If it is an immediate response due to her mental processing, you may not be able to do anything about it even if you tried.

I say be happy with her success. What you have accomplished so far is no less than amazing! Congrats to you!

Hi Gilma, we have been missing your intervention in the last days.
How lucky you are that you little girl is understanding so well and answering you at that early age. I suppose that where you leave, she is getting much more feedback in Dutch than in spanish and maye that seems to be her primary language. Nevertheless, she is understanding so well that i would not worry.
Just keep working with both languages. The problem i would see if you see that she refuses to listen or comunicate in other language than Dutch. That is my case with my grandson (4 yrs old). When i speak in english he usually says ’ i do not understand, i like spanish’. When i play a movie, he asks first if we have it ins spanish. Only a few times he lets me play something in english or french because ther is no spancih on thos videos. I hope this will be temporary because he is being taught a little english in preschool and maybe then he will realize it is important for him to learn it.
Keep your good work and congrats.

I have asked this question long time ego but didn’t get any answer :nowink:

I wasn’t sure whether to correct her or not. I chose not to. I speak to her in two languages and she used to mix them a little mainly because she couldn’t say the word in the other language. Our native words seem to be more difficult and long so I was very happy she could express herself using words she knew. Now when she can pronounce almost everything she mixes less . Or she says it in both languages. I have noticed that some words she can translate which is great as I know she understands the content.

If there ever was a situation like you described: Do you want an apple? (in spanish),she answers: yes, apple (in dutch) ;I just replied yes it is an apple (in spanish).Sometimes she repeated after me in desired language straight away or she said the word later during play.I stopped focusing on that. I think that it takes a while to work out when to use which language.

This works for us very well :yes: