Look Forward a Year

Look forward a year and tell us where you’d like to be–what would you like to be doing, what would you like your child to be doing??

Let’s share some goals, dreams, and aspirations!

I’d like my son to be reading easy books independently, able to take off his shirt on his own and able to negotiate the whole toileting issue (from recognizing when to go, to geting his pants down, to getting on the toilet, to getting off and cleaning up) on his own.

I’d like to be sleeping through the night! lol

I have two goals for myself which are

  1. To lose the baby weight i have put on and return to a healthy fitness level, Ie being able to run for 30minutes and lift some resonably heavy weights again as i have become so weak.

  2. Return to university and start my degree in commerce.

My goal for Sophia

  1. To have her reading by the end of the year (she will be 16months by the end if this year) It is so hard to believe that the little baby i have now will be a toddler by the end of this year.
  2. Be doing regular right brain activites (tweddlewink) with her and start on GD math.