Long time lurker

Hello, I’m a longtime lurker of the board since I found it maybe a year ago. Its great fun to logon here are see what amazing things you guys are up to and what you are talking about. Some of things people are doing here I didn’t think was possible until I saw it, now I’m completely on board.

While I don’t have a child of my own, I have done respite foster care for coming up to two years now. Most of the kids have severe developmental issues, and some of the attitudes of other carers scare me. They seem to want to maintain these neglected kids rather than progress them. But I could rant about that for hours.

I’m also an unfortunate member of the club who had parents who deemed the school wholely responsible for education, and couldn’t be bothered to interact with said children out of school hours (which of course meant lots of TV). Every time I visit this board it gives me hope and ideas on how I can make things different for my future children. I want to give them the best start in life and raise them to become happy and successful adults.

I don’t plan to have any children until I am at least thirty (so at the very least five years from now), but I hope in the meantime to learn from all of you, both to learn skills and tactics for my future children and to try and mend some of the damages lack of stimulation has brought to the children that come through my door.

So to sum up, its very nice to talk to people as driven by early child education as I am.

Welcome to the forum! And kudos to you for the work you do. Are you currently using Little Reader with any children in your care? :slight_smile:

Its near the top of my list of things to get if we get a long term placement of the right age range. So far while we get a lot of different kids our longest placement has been two weeks. I’m hoping to be able to afford to use it if we get a placement of a few months or more. I’d love to see what some of these kids would be like after a year of little reader, but unfortunately our average length of having them has been only two days.

Its very frustrating to have so many useful tools at our fingertips but the people who could use them to make a difference just can’t be bothered. I have used flashcards on some of my placements though, but again, not enough consistancy to make much of a difference, but I like to think that the stimulation I give them while they are with me does something.