LM and LR when to start, and how many kids a the same time

I have recently started to look at teaching my children to read and do math at an early age, I had no idea you could do it , till a womman gave me a book “how to improve your babys inteligence” I think that was the tittle, I have it in spanish. In spain we have never heard of such a thing, and it really is hard to belive that you can teach such small children, but then you can see it every day, they learn soo fast.
I started the boy on flash cards, but it take a lot of time a day (15 sesions) , now I have seen that using LR and LM, I can do it much faster and with not sooooo much work on my side.
so my questions are:

will a 2,5 year old learn to read and do math just with LR and LM? has any one tryed to do both at the same time?
can a teach at the same rithm my 15 month and 2,5 years old? will they pick it up at the same spid?has any one tryed to teach 2 kids at the same time?
when would it be good to start with a newborn? 4 months?

you see a have 2 kids at the moment and I will have my third on the 5th of dicembre, I would really like to spid things up with the firsth 2 and then intruduce the third as soon as posible. my aim…have them reading in about 1 year, could it be any sooner?

I just really want to know your expirinces, and see if it is worth buying, right now I´m using the 14 day free trial.

tanks to everybody, you are really inpiring



I have read TeachingBanytoRead and TeachingBabyMath pdf document. they don’t tell where to start.

Normally we do teach a kid so many things in his daily life. Parts of body while massaging and while giving bath, rhymes and stories at bedtime, etc.

My son is seven months. I have the trail software. But I don’t know where to start, what to start. Flash cards? or software? how many times a day. How?

So it would be nice for some experienced moms to give us advice.

i hope some one will aswer our questions.

I would concentrate on the youngest one. Children are very different but there is a high probability that your youngest one will watch LM and LR with interest but 2.5 year old will be more indifferent.

you think he wouldn´t like it? what do you recomend?

Hello ladies!

We usually leave these threads for some of the other parents who have used our system to give their own experience and input on, but I hope that you might find my input useful somewhat. :happy:

It’s true what Frukc said - kids, being kids, are all different, which applies to level of learning, interest, attention span, and concept of fun. With this in mind, we believe there is no specific rules set in stone when it comes to teaching your child. This is why we stress (time and again) that what’s really important is how the parent is able to follow the child’s lead and make learning fun and exciting. The tools we have are just what they are - tools - and we always inform parents that a big part of their child’s education relies not on any software, flash card or book, but on the way parents are intuitive to what their children want given any specific time.

This is what we mean when we say that the parents are given that special opportunity to be the child’s best teacher. No one will intuitively understand when a child wants more or when a child wants to stop better than a parent.

Given that, our learning system does offer a “guide” to those who are new to teaching their kids. This comes in the form of a curriculum which already comes with the system. If you have the trial already, you’ll notice that for both Little Reader and Little Math, there’s a section entitled “courses.”

The trial comes with 9 days of curriculum lessons already built-in. This allows you to “try” following our curriculum for 9 days to see if you and your child enjoy the lessons together.

In courses, you will find a list of lessons already laid out for each day. What we recommend for those who have never tried it before is to always start with Day 1 lessons. Regardless of your child’s age, these lessons will ease your child into getting comfortable with learning with the system.

In the Teaching with Little Reader booklet, (see chapter 4) under session frequency, we recommend giving your child the LR lessons twice a day. This is the reason why you may see under Day 1, there is Session 1 and Session 2.

Each session is composed of a word flash session (which goes by really quickly, and is auto-forwarded), a multisensory lesson (which requires for the parent to click on the mouse to advance the lesson - this is because we encourage the parent to interact with the child during the multisensory lesson), a picture flash lesson (again, this is quick and auto-forwarded).

When you go through the curriculum and advance in the days, you will find some extra lessons are added to each session, such as Pattern Phonics lessons and Stories.

We recommend our programs for children from 4 months and older - for infants younger than this age, we recommend starting with visual infant stimulation cards.

Some parents in the forum have already used (and are still using) our system with their kids - some are teaching at the same time, and some prefer to teach one child after the other to help with the child’s focus. Again, this is a subjective choice for you to make; if you find that teaching your kids as a group is sometimes difficult (like in any class setting, one child’s disinterest may affect the other child’s attention) try to teaching your kids one by one to see if it helps. Most of the time, it does, because the parent is completely focused in one child at a time and you will be able to pick up on whether your kid wants more or wants a break when it’s just two of you.

As for the age of the children, again it’s subjective. Theoretically it’s easier to teach a younger child because the child may be less mobile (not running around yet, so it’s easy to just pick up your child, place her in your lap, and start the lessons on the computer) compared to an older child who wants a higher level of stimulation and wants to run around. But this is not to say that our system will be ineffective to those older kids. Many of our parents here started using the system when their kids were already 2, 3, 4 and even 5 years old (and older) and still they are able to make the lessons interesting for them.

I noticed that you may have a very strict goal for yourself and your kids (my aim…have them reading in about 1 year, could it be any sooner?)

For this, I would suggest reading our short section in the Beginner’s Tutorial (this is in Little Reader, click on the button START GUIDE > BEGINNER’S TUTORIAL > and go to item no. 6 entitled YOUR FRAME OF MIND.)

To quote this section, here’s what we wrote:

Always keep the lessons FUN and JOYFUL!

One of the most important things you must remember when teaching your child to read is this:

In doing so, this also means:

  • Do not focus on achieving results
  • Do not force your child if she is not keen to view the lessons.

Focusing on results tends to bring about negative emotions such as anxiety and disappointment, which may be picked up by your child. Similarly, forcing your child is counter-productive and would lead her to associate reading with something negative.

Instead, treat lesson time as a time for bonding with your child. The aim is to expose your child to reading and to have fun while doing so, thereby giving her a joyful and loving experience. Keeping a bonding-focused mindset will make you a much more effective teacher, and you are also likely to find that your child learning to read is a very pleasant side-effect.

Remember, this is not a race! Any exposure to reading that you give to your child during the early years will already be very beneficial.

Hope this helps! :happy:


tks a lot for you response.
I have read all the info, before event trying to teach them anything, I agree children are different one from another.

What started me on this adventure, because it is an adventure, was reading :How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence: The Gentle Revolution, that took me to your web page and to your system.
I was under the impression that Doman thinks kids can start to read in months time, it really sounds as if it were going to take as much as 3 or 4 months to get them reading all by them self. I started the flash cards, but it was just to stress full, I was not enjoying it, and that is something Doman ,and you people insists on, keep it Fun and do it for fun, The flash card method did prove to be really fast, my 2,5 year old was reading 15 words in a couple of weeks. But as I said it was just toooooo much for me. So I decided to give the soft wear a try, but my concern is that is not as defective, he has been on it 2 weeks and hasn´t learned any new words, now it has been really nice for me, because it has take a lot of the stress out of the process. My worry is that I might be doing some thing wrong…

I do love the print outs, that takes a lot of work of the mommy, I will start with flash cards, but still having them on the program, and see if that helps him. I´m not desperately trying to teach them to read, a just want to find the right amount of info the child needs a day. I have started with a bit program, and he just loves it, the images he associates with the word really fast, but not with the written word… he knows his planets (it took two days), 10 kinds of dogs (again in two days), 10 instruments,… what I don´t understand is: if it is soo easy for him to learn words when spoken, why is it being difficult to teach him written ones?
he can memorize books in a couple of days, he will ask you to read them to him till he knows it by hart. I really don´t have enough time, to put to gether new info before he needs it.
but with the written words, it is just to hard for him, for some reason.
could you spread a bit of light?

the girl, I know loves the system, but I don´t expect her to tell me any of the words, because she is just begining to talk. so I put her twice a day the lesson and just hope it is doing something.
I have discovered is good to sit them down at the same time, the older enjoys teaching the younger, and since he can use the mouse, he is in charge of pressing the boten.

I´m doing LM and LR at the same time, after we see the words we go to the numbers, is that OK?or should I separate both things? what is you advice?

we did buy the system, and I think, event if we are a bit lost at the moment, it does give you a very good idea on how to start, and what to teach, then it all depends on the amount of work you what to put in to it. “the sky is the limit”
I have to say that ever since I put them on the LR and LM , I´m enjoying the teaching a lot more, and doing a lot more with them, reading stories, making presentations with different kids of things, playing all kind of games, we spend hours a day doing all kind of things and it is not being stress full for me, and I know is not at all stressful for them, they love it, can´t get enough!

tanks again for your response, and I hope you can get back to me with a few more answers.