LM and hand made dot cards.


Should i show my baby dot cards as well as LM?

What do you use?

Please share.


I have LM, purchased for my first child. Nevertheless, with my second one, I started with dot cards. Because it was summer, we were offline in countryside.

I printed up to 40 black dots on A4. I showed quantities 3 - 6 times per day. It was a nice time. We hugged and kissed after every session. My son loved these sessions. We did it from 4 to 7 months.

I think black dots are OK until 10 months because these kids are so curious that no additional entertainment is necessary.

Than it was time to start equations. And it was not so easy anymore, to prepare all the equations in time. So I switched to LM. Dot cards are very OK for quantities but not so easy with equations!

But we kept the memories about our dot card sessions and we hugged and kissed after each session or even after each equation.

I think that these people which start with PC at once, they can miss this mildness and hugging. Later they say “he lost an interest”. I recommend to everyone to have at least few dot card sessions, to get that feeling which is very different as at the PC.

I attached my dot card file.