Little Reader Touch


I just downloaded the Little Reader touch last night in our iPad and my little girl is LOVING IT! I like the fact that the first lessons are very similar to the YBCR because she feels familiar to the vocabulary already.

Great job Brillkids team!! When can we start seeing more lessons added to that App?


What? LR Touch? I’m going to check that out!

I also downloaded last night the Doman’s Math Dots App. I have not started using it yet but I like that the lessons come organized already in the slides and after is played it checks a chart so you can keep track on how many times did you play each lesson to your baby each day.

I found other very useful apps that I downloaded for my 22 month old girl, but I can’t remember all of them right now. I will make a list and share it later here.


I have downloaded it recently to my new ipad, but correct me if I am wrong - there are only around 6 presentations available, aren´t there?

If you want to share your apps, please do so in the thread Re: Reviews of iPad/iPod/iPhone (iThing) apps


Hi all,

OK, looks like you guys found the app… :slight_smile:

It’s actually not ready for ‘prime-time’ yet - still fixing some stuff and making preparations, including creating more downloadable content - which is why we haven’t announced it just yet.

We will probably make an announcement on the app later this month, including what it means for existing LR users, so stay tuned! I’d prefer not to say anything more about this for now.



Dear KL,

can’t wait to know what we’ll get as an existing LR(PC version) user since my girl really excited with her LR Touch and don’t want to have LR on laptop. :nowink: really disappointed as we can’t play what we have in LR(PC version) into LR Touch. :frowning:

Any suggestion? (not to mention about using splashtop apps)

Hi KL,

My girl LOVES your App! is funny you mention we ‘found’ it because (i) I always browse ‘brillkids’ in the app store just in case you guys are up to something ;), and (ii) I remember reading in this forum about the new app for iPad.

Anyhow, we are so happy you designed this app for iPads, since we are apple users at our house this is a nice surprise :), and my kids are the primary users for our family iPad.

Thank you very much!!

Would love to see more lessons, even if we need to buy them :).

we Have a galaxy tab will the little reader touch work on it? I would love to have a learning app we have a 1 1/2 hour drive just to get to town what better way to spend it than learning something.

Hi Little Bits, at the moment Little Reader Touch only works for iOS devices (specifically iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch). There are plans to develop an Android version too, but we haven’t actually started on this so there are no details to report about right now. Do watch out for future updates! :slight_smile:

Hi LR Team,

We downloaded LR Touch in November and we think that it is just what we were waiting to have, except that it didn’t have the curriculum.

But Today, I found that there is a new version and it includes the curriculum in trial version…waw it is great.

So, I wonder if there is any way to use our LR pc curriculum in our LR Touch.

Thanks again for so wonderful tools to teach my babies.

Kind regards,

We love LR Touch. I downloaded all free files available during promotion in January 2012. Want to buy more but at the moment they only have 3 new files in addition to the ones I have. Looking forward to LR curriculum on my iphone.

I have been using the LR touch on my iphone with my 16 month old daughter. She really likes it but I was concerned that the words are too small on the iphone screen. According to Doman’s book, flashcards are supposed to be 22x6 inches. I also use the Doman numbers app. Is this an issue or will she still learn using this method?