little pim

Interesting! I think my dd would really like this program.

I hope that too :slight_smile:

my 3 yr old son & 1 yr old daughter LOVE the Little Pim Videos. We’ve had them for about a month (French, Mandarin & Spanish) – my 3 yr old repeats and recognizes many of the words on the 1st disc of the French & Mandarin dvds. It’s quite amazing to hear him say & recall the words from memory. My wife is able to pose questions to the kids in french & our son effortlessly answers her question in english or french. I’m excited about the kids being exposed to Mandarin because I grew up speaking Cantonese – almost a “completely” different language from Mandarin believe it or not…I watch the Mandarin dvd w/ the kids and I’m learning along with them. Can’t rave enough about the Little Pim Products!

We have Little Pim Spanish. I like it, because I’m learning spanish too. My babies are still in “getting-to-know stage”, once they’ve watch it a couple of times, I know it will be part of their favorite learning videos. Even the Baby Signing Time, they didn’t like it right away but now it’s their favorite.

wow that was so nice. It was fun as I could watch the preview with my child and she seemed to love it, I mean giggles and all. meanwhile i am expecting Little Pim french anyday now from netflix, to see how it would be. And I am getting Pimsleur in Spanish for myself.

Does anyone know when the series 4,5 & 6 are being released? On the Little Pim blog, there is a recent article saying they are almost done with them, but no date is given…

I just got an e-mail from them. they are going to be released on May 7th.They have other cartoons besides Panda, like an elephant …and something else,.Looks like fun! I am still on Vol. 1, I won’t buy these new dvds yet.

According to Amazon - volume 2 will be released on May 1st! I feel we watch Little Pim all the time - I’m excited to see the next volume. I’m also looking into their flashcards - has anyone used them?

Btw - I checked my local library and they seem to have nearly all the Little Pim videos (just about all the languages and all three discs of each)! I wish I had checked a long time ago! I always seem to forget about the library when it comes to DVDs.