little pim

Little Pim is very educational now I see I’d like to buy the french kit, I can’t find anything else… :wub:
someone know Brainy baby French?

they’re other languages on Youtube (english, chinese)


So far we have watched the Japanese and Chinese DVDs! :slight_smile:

we are watching lil pim spanish and my son loves it!
I watch with him too. It’s been a good learning for me too so far :slight_smile:

I would like to know: how long is a DVD each? How many lessons a` 8 min. are in one DVD?

Each DVD is about 30 minutes each. :slight_smile:

yes it’s about 35 min. every dvd (one episode is 5-6 minutes)

I like them, they look fun to watch, I will probably try it with my daughter.

I have the brainy baby french and that was the only thing I could find 3 years ago when my daughter was a baby. all my kids like it and it does have a bit of educational content I would reccomend them for sure. but little pim looks fantastic and it is comming very soon to my house for sure.

yes, my son loves little pim, everyday wants more :slight_smile:

I have just purchased Little Pim spanish and am impatiently waiting for its arrival. Hopefully it is as good as every one says. :slight_smile: