Little Pim - Repitition - help? Does anyone have Little Pim?

Hi all

I am most eager to get my daughter some Italian DVD’s. I have looked on the Little Pim site, but it says that the DVD’s are based on repitition which goes against Right Brain Education? (the concept of RB education, is that the RB only needs to see an image once. If you’re repeating that image, then it is left brain-focussed.) If you show the child the same image again, after say a period of 6 months, once there are more synapses (links) in the brain, then it can be beneficial. This is because the brain will use other related images to create a greater catalogue around that image.

e.g. flash apple, then red, then grannysmith, then orchard words and pics over a period of time - these are all adding on information about the apple in the brain. So, in 6 months if you flash the word apple again after all the information has been collected, it will have more meaning.

I believe that Little Pim repeats words / concepts? Does anyone have little pim to tell me how much repitition there is? I do not want my baby learning Italian using her left brain

many thanks

I wouldn’t say there is repetition in LP! It’s actually realy well done as words as introduces first, then a sentence, and moving on to another word. So it will be something like: Apple. Apples. This is an apple. She eats an apple.
I have them in 3 languages as my daughter was so eager. We started when she was 7 mo, exactly a year ago. I’d say we play one on average once a week.

thanks Hypatia, I am definitely going to buy them then! Will use the discount coupons on the website here. So exciting!

There is a bit of repitition in the Little Pim (like at the end of each segment they go through the words again but more quickly) - but it also builds on information given.

If you go to the website and you can get the companion guide and transcripts for some of the languages eg. chinese, russian etc. Have a look at the transcripts and see if you’re happy with the amount of repitition.

My DD LOVES Little Pim and gets excited when we put it on. We don’t get the same reaction to YBCR or Baby Learns Chinese!! As she can’t talk yet - I’m not sure how much benefit the DVDs have been.