Life Skills


I was wondering besides all the early learning education things which is just fantastic. i was thinking about the importance of life skills, ie cooking cleaning, teaching about money, budgets, beautiful manners etc. when that should be introduced?

I will be sending my daughter to a Montessori school where life skills are taught and the importance of a child having these skills are paramount. I was wondering how many of you who now have toddlers/young children have introduced chores or ways of getting your children involved with day to day living activities?

How have you introduced or talked about money to your children?

How have you got them involved with cleaning or cooking?

When is a good time to introduce pocket money?

What do you do if they wont participate in ‘chores’?

I was ust wondering because I have friends who have older children who on one hand are very intellectually smart but trying to get them to do anything around the house is almost a nightmare for the parents. and the children almost believe that everything should be done for them, and unfortunately this is just not life in the real world?

What do you think?

I think you should begin to introduce those things as soon as possible, that is, as soon as your child is ready for it, which is different for every child. I think even toddlers can be introduced to simple chores like picking up toys and helping with simple household chores. Cooking can also be introduced as soon as they are able to help. Letting your child stir or measure is always fun, and you can teach fractions and measurements without your child even realizing it.
They be introduced to money after they are past the swallowing stage, but you can start to talk about it as soon as they understand what money is. If you’re in a store, explain how much everything costs and how much you’re giving the cashier. Talk to them about bills, why you pay them and how much you’re paying.
Manners should be taught starting when a child is born by you being the model. If your child constantly hears and sees you being polite and using manners, then they are very likely to pick up on it.

Everything they see you do enthusiastically, they are going be more motivated to do themselves.

Hi there Kimba15 great thread!

I guess we teach so much without really thinking about it.

We have started with housecleaning already - our son is just over three and a half. We do the dishes together - well at least one set a day. He gets his chair, Dad washes, he is the rinser and I dry and put away!

Cooking and baking - yes very definitely! Often he sees me preparing to make something and he’s off to get his chair. Sometimes it’s a challenge to be enthusiastic about him helping, as I just want to finish quickly. We bake once a week together and then he is in charge! lol

As to money - Before we go shopping we give him a little money and he is allowed to buy something. Obviously not all the time! Then when we get to the till, he does his transaction first. He gives the money waits for the change etc. If we are shopping and he wants something, we ask if he has the money to buy it, if not we say well maybe next time.

We haven’t introduced pocket money yet.

Chores around the house - He has to pick up his toys before going to bed. And he isn’t allowed to make more than one mess at a time. He loves playing with his lego and making houses, he knows he can only do one of them at a time and if he wants to do the other, then he has to clean up first. This rule isn’t so much for teaching him - but so that I can keep my sanity…

How about you? Have you started anything?


My daughter is only 3 1/2 months old, so it is a little hard to start something that she can actually help me with.

The only thing i do make sure that happems is that she sees most of what i do around the house. I often take her around the house with me while i do the chores. I sing to her while i sort the washing and explain why a seperate the colours from the whites and the sheets and towels from everything else. I sing to her while i do the dishes or clean bathroom. I figure as long as i start making it fun now, when she is old enough introducing ‘helping mummy around the house’’ wont be a big deal.

As for money my husband and i discuss the topic in front of her. We talk about investments our budget and the current finacial crisis that is happpening and the importance to save money. Dd has a money box and we put the money in her and get dd to drop it in the box. Although we have to be quick otherwise the money can end up in her mouth. :smiley:

I think life skills are an extremely important tool to teach our children. There are so many Gen Y who are leaving home today who may be academically smart and technology savvy but cant manage a cent and are bone lazy around the house because mum and dad have done everything for them and given them everything so working hard for things has lost its value.

My wish for my dd is to grow and be able to function as an independent human being without needing finacial outpatient care from her parents, not to end up being another child to a future husband or partner, to have a love of life and an awe of learning to be able to bring her dreams to fulfilment, but most importantly BE HAPPY

My daughter is 15 months old and so very young for most of this, however she does help clean up with a cloth when things spill on the table and she does help pick up some of her toys when we are cleaning up. I also get her to throw her own nappy in the rubbish bin when she is changed and she thinks this is “her job.” She also likes to try to sweep, but this is more for her to play as she actually makes more mess doing it.

As for money, she knows things have to go to the cashier before we can eat them or play with them and she knows from me telling her that we have to pay for them. I will probablt start pocket money at about 3 years of age.

A lot of the other chores are being introduced during play at this stage - pouring and mixing I only let her do with toys and in the bath, but from there it will be easier to go to cooking for example.

Because she is so little, I do not do anything if she won’t do the “chores.” She seems to like doing them and I just pick up the toys she won’t pick up.

It seems that you are doing a great job, Kimba.

I believe these types of skills should be taught as soon as oossible - age appropriate of course!

Younger dd helps to dress herself & put toys away.

Older dd loads & unloads utensils from the dishwasher, helps fold & put away laundry, & has a few other jobs. She is learning about money & has a small allowance that she is allowed to spend with guidance.

Montessori gives children materials that are their size so they can have success. Kids like to copy what their parents do in general. The hard part is finding a way for them to particiapate in a huge world. I found a sweeper vacuum where I could take out the middle section of the handle so my son could use it. I put a handbroom and dustpan and child level for easy access. A crate full of cleaning items: dust rag, water bottle, sponge, etc. He has a small basket of hand towels he tries to fold while I’m doing laundry. Making it child size and realistic is key. My son will not touch the toy cleaning tools at all, he wants the same as mom.

For cooking, my son is still too young to really help out. I just call it sensory experience time. I let him play with flour or other ingredients I am using. Play with measuring cups and spoons. He is really into pouring water and transferring marbles from bowl to bowl with a spoon.

I teach about money the same way I teach about animals and sounds. This is a quarter is is worth 25 cents. 4 quaters make a dollar – like stacking blocks – more coins more monitary value. Just point it out in everyday activities (ie grocery shopping, renting a movie, etc) they learn – they also start to ask about debit and credit cards and how much those are worth. That’s when the real fun starts.

Wow u al r doing G8 job!!! Even i explain my son about money,he also helps me in picking up his toys,laundry like putting clothes in washing machine and removing them after they are washed .He also helps me in folding clothes but he doesnt know how to fold though he tries.
We also discuss our financial matters in front of him.And even he has piggy bank we put money in it everyday.And i teach him to recognise money.
