Library idea...

Just in the last couple of days there were two great books on early education experience mentioned on the forums!

Education of Karl Witte (!/msg29348/?topicseen#new) and Natural Education (!/msg28743/#msg28743 ). Both are very informative and excellent read with LOTS of good ideas. Thank you to those who found them, and shared the treasures!

Since these kind of books are so relevant to the nature of BrillKids, and from the comments on the threads you can see that those who got them find them really helpful, wouldn’t it be nice to have a library section of sorts on the site, where either PDFs of these “great finds” will be posted or links to them.

I think it would be great, especially to those who are new to the BrillKids community, so they do not need to read through all the previous threads to find these, or even for everyone for an easy reference. What do you think?

Wonderful idea
i for example am not able to follow up all the posts on LR and i don’t like to miss on posts like this one . it is hard to go through every single post trying to find what are we missing . it is nice to have a section where all these links of early childhood education can be found . another lsection for resources to download books . maybe another one for good u tube videos .
ok now i see people giving karma and would like to give you one . what should i do :slight_smile:

Hi Bella
There already is Video Gallery (youtube) section. But you can’t give karma to thank the poster from this video gallery. I suggested this to admin but haven’t heard from them yet.

Most free books (on PDF formats or other) would either be extracts, old books which copyrights have expired or illegal copies.
But please do share if you do find good, free books!

Hi I like this idea which would be a online database for everyone …

it would be great to have access to this kind of material coz when you are busy the whole day with teaching your child its hard to find these great books. i havent heard of the books that were recommended but i am sure they would add great value to my life.

afterall parents have to also study to be great parents!!

Good idea, will keep it in mind!

I think that’s a great idea!! I try to read as many post as I can, but there are so many and so little time:)

I agree That is a good idea. :slight_smile:

I do not know, may be it is a bad idea, but I had another suggestion along the same lines. We can have a place where we can exchange good books, or parts of the books relevant to early learning and parenting. For instance a few chapters of some book that you have read and feel it can be a benefit for others, it is possible to scan it and post it in the “library corner”. Of course there are copyrights issues, but I am talking about something like private library - libraries do that, – having books to read; people do that on paper, sharing chapters or parts of the books with each other, I think it is OK to do it on line as a private exchange initiative.

I was mainly thinking about that because of some people being in the countries where they have very little or none access to these books. My friend in Burma, for example, loved this site, but all the books that being mentioned here are literally inaccessible for her. (So she loved the ones that were on line! But had no idea where or how to get to read some Doman materials, I do not have it either so I was not able to help, but I referred her to some posts, that had summaries, which is great too).

But if some relevant parts, or chapters of interest, are shared in BrillKids library, she or others, being a member can access it for her learning and will be able to have the same opportunities like someone in the US…

I do not know if it is possible, but thought to share an idea…

THanks skyark for the consolidated links. I guess I missed the second one posted here earlier. THanks :slight_smile:

I am glad it was a help, but real thanks to those who found the original links and shared it with us all. Anyone else have great books to share?

I LOVE this saying. I had never really thought about it before, but that is very true for me. I study hard to be a good parent. Thanks for the quote!

That is why I love teaching my daughter. Honestly, why would you open up a book and study bird names, out of the blue? just for the satisfaction of knowing them?
At the moment I am revising the South American flags, have learned how to use Power Point and know a few words in Mandarin.
There was a post recently about whether parents were teaching for their kids’ benefits or for their own satisfaction. I have to admit this is giving me a great excuse to learn for my own pleasure…