Letting a 2 year old go back to the breast

My 2 year old was nursed until 15 months… until he weened himself off because I was pregnant with my 2nd child… after having my second child my 2 year old asked to breastfeed again… I let him try but he couldnt latch on.

My 2 year old started to catch a lot of colds and asked for mommys milk while I was pumping for my newborn… so I gave him a bottle here and there… and when he was better we went back to reg milk… only later to cut milk almost completely from his diet except for the odd pumped bottle…

He is getting sick less often and his color is much better.

We are happy about our decision to do this… but at times have secretly wondered… should I be doing this?

Two is not too old to breastfeed. I plan to encourage my dd to breastfeed until at least two. After that point, I hope she will continue to nurse, but will not worry too much if she self weans after that point. There is no reason both of your kids can’t enjoy the benefits of breast milk.

Even at the age of 2 he will receive a lot of benefits from breast milk & stay healthier.

Hi there,

I read an article that kept repeating the words, “breast is best”. Glad to hear your son is feeling a lot healthier. I breast fed till two years and it was very special. Sharing your milk too may help your son not to feel so left out and will bound with the new baby better as they ‘share’. How long had you hoped to continue this?


i was only able to breast feed for 2 months i wish i could have done it longer but i just stoped producing it was very strange. and i’ve seen women breastfeed till there kids were 4.

A friend of mine pumped breast milk and added it in her 5 year old’s cow’s milk to help her daughter with health issues related to starting kindergarden.

Thats strange but good as well !!!

breast milk definitely has its merits. there are so many harmful substances in the powder milk. i have weaned my son off this week as he wakes up about 8 times at night for feeds. i however feel feverish and tired and just gross. is that normal?

You may have an infection in your breast (mastitis) caused by clogged ducts. That can happen sometimes if the breasts aren’t emptied. Do you have any pain, redness or swollen spots on your breasts? You may want to keep an eye on things and call your doctor if a fever persists.

thanks for that info.
there is definetly swelling. i assumed it was normal and would take a while to come down.
better go see the doctor because today it just feels worse.
thanks again

You’re welcome. It’s definitely better to take care of it early on if you have an infection. A simple antibiotic will take care of it in a few days.

its definitely important for us moms to look after ourselves health included.

will go to the pharmacy like now!!!
thanks again.