Let's brag about our babies!!

This thread is for all those who want to brag about their babies…Let me be the first one to start…

Well, I am really excited today. My 9-mo baby, for the last couple of weeks, has been saying words like “ello,” “geen,” “Bu-ooo” (yellow, green, and blue). He also says yaychee (for A/c). Now I am really happy about what happened now. There is a stray dog outside our home. Our little one saw that coming and said “dog” !!! :smiley: I am really excited about this because this particular dog has multiple names like blackie, jackie, juju, bo-bo etc. which he hears very often from other family members. I am very glad that he has picked up the right word inspite of getting to hear all the other names more often.

KL, I must thank you for this. Because though he knew the word before (I have been doing the Doman method since he was 4-1/2 months), I think all this vocalization is coming because of the multisensory part in your curriculum. Its been only 2 weeks since we are into LR and I am already beginning to see results!! Hats off to you and your great team! :smiley:

Okay, I am done with my bragging…who’s next?.. :slight_smile:

My toddler has read 2 words, me and by from flashcards. He is reading every package of food in the house chip bags are his fav. Today he has counted to 5. He sort of misses the 4 but he gets it. I am so excited that my toddler is starting to read!!! and count!!!

We count by placing objects into a brown paper bag and counting them. He loves thinking he is getting a surprise every day. I use old contianer lids and write the # in the inside with a perm. marker. He loves searching in the bag for the surprise. We have several different colors of lids that we use.

My 1 year old is not saying much though, his brother at this age was talking in complete sentences. I just wonder if I am not working with him enough. They both have different personalities as well so maybe it is just the difference between the 2, or maybe its because I took natural prenatals with my toddler and OTC prenantals with my 1 year old???

But annyway I am proud of both of my sons, the 1 year old loves to sing so maybe I need to modify my curriculum a little.

Sounds like your little ones are doing great - well done!

My daughter is starting to speak in phrases now and is reading a lot of words out loud including those she does not use in her speech yet (“and,” “has”) She has started counting and tonight counted to twelve (she often misses the seven as she cannot pronounce it though) She knows her shapes and was very excited tonight when I cut her some circle sandwiches (pity she wouldn’t eat them though) She knows at least three of her books off by heart now and will say many of the words when we read them to her at night. Everyday she comes out with new words - the other day she told us her toys name was “tang” (orangutan) and I had been sure she would just call it a monkey. My husband taught her that we live on “earth”, only now when he tried to teach her the suburb she lives in she keeps saying “earth” - its a bit broad :slight_smile: She knows all her colours and has started putting 3 piece puzzles together - up until recently she could only do the knob puzzles.

She is also showing clever thinking lately - we told her she could only have breastmilk (she is still breastfed) at night time when it is dark, so the other day she got me to read books to her in the afternoon then tried to close the curtains and climb into bed and said “dark, bed, milk” - it didn’t work, but not only had she got the concept but tried to fake it so she could get what she wanted.

Physically she can jump with two feet although not all the time and she also knows how to stand on one foot very briefly. She can hang from monkey bars reasonably, but cannot swing from one to the other and she loves playing running games and hide and seek (either with her or with her toys)

Recently she started pretend play with items that are not the real things (early pretend play was her using her own bottle to feed her teddy - now she will pretend that there is food in a container with nothing in it and tell us what she is eating - everything from bacon to smarties - she’s also pretended to make an omelette by puring “nothing” from many containers and then stirring it with a spoon and throwing it into a “pan” after which we were told “hot, burn”

I am very proud of my little girl who is growing up so fast.

The other night, I posted her math flashcards on our bedroom wall to forming equations. I casually identified each card to her. I did this only TWICE. Just this evening, I asked on a whim “Where is 5-2=3?” Cammie looked straight at the posted equation! I asked another question “Where is 4+7=11?” She turned her head to look at the correct equation!

my son recognizes the word blue, ball and balloon from the b words set and he also recognizes ear,dog ,teddy. once he saw the words he would mumble it it may not be very clear though but very similar, like almost right! :wink:
when we r using the stair case, he would start saying “an” for one and sounding like sounds for the next which is really very impressive bec i know he is trying to count with me!
even my parents find it amusing that he sounds like counting though his words are really not that clear. its only the 1, 6 and 10 comes really clear! :laugh:
they said that if only my son can really speak clearly by now then they will not be surprise if he really can count by now!

Our babies are really amazing, aren’t they? :smiley:

Lets keep posting about their accomplishments and lets keep inspiring each other to do more!

I love this topic. Babies are really amazing and I am having fun with mine everyday. I want to brag my baby but don’t mean to show off, compare to a lot of smart babies and moms here, we are just doing ok. :yes:

My 16 months-old eat with a spoon by himself.
He recognizes most of the colors and its English words as well as most of the common animals, food and home furniture.
He counts 1, 2, 3, 4…only {Math is always a problem here}
He says a,b,c,d,e,f…
He points to everything that he knows and says out the words
He knows the different of the bus, taxi, light bus, van, truck…etc
He knows about 150 words, not just saying it, he truly understand the word.

I need to thank LR too, my son not just recognizes the letter, he also really understands what the word mean and facts about it.
I am so glad that i found out about LR when my son’s 1o months old. I often said LR is the best program that I used so far and I really mean it.

mmmmm Let’s see…My 16 months baby girls:
-Signs over 50 signs.
-Reads over 35 words in spanish.
-Reads over 35 words in english.
-Read different animals ,makes the sign and sound of 13 animals in spanish and some in english.
-Knows over 8 colors in spanish and english few.
-Knows parts of the body in spanish and english.
-Picks up her toys when I nicely ask for.
-Picks up her books and puts them away when I ask for.

I love her she is my super super star!! I am going to start teaching her math…it is taking me forever I have to organize my schedule better…I am busy busy like a bee.
Congratulations to all of you parents and keep up with the super job!! :wink:

At 7 months, my baby can recognize colors, numbers 1-20 dots (his mom did’nt teach him 0 yet :)), and 10-15 words at least (haven’t tried all of them).
He also recognized Panda when I showed him picture cards…he hadn’t seen this card before, I had just shown him the animal video’s on LR. He crawls and doesn’t want to sit in one place, so I have to crawl with him, show him the dot cards and ask him to recognize the number. He just pats on the right number and crawls away, leaving me amused and proud as ever :slight_smile:
He completes nursery rhymes- when I stop short of one word, he makes a sound and then I have to continue with the rhyme- that is really cute :slight_smile:
He enjoys music- sings and dances (sways his body and taps his left foot to music). Loves giving ‘high fives’. He also says ‘AUM’ (has been saying it for 3 months now). :slight_smile:

I had the greatest experience with my 26 month old daughter just a few days ago. She has learned to read many words - not sure how many because I don’t test or count anymore. Lately she learns whatever words I give her then we move onto new words. Anyway I made a shopping list for the fruit market then realized she could read all of the words. So I rewrote the words larger and neater. Then I gave her the list. I told her that she was my super helper and it was her job to read the list at the store. She was so excited that she jumped up and down on the bed in glee. It was only 4 words but to her it was momumental. She had trouble understanding what to read with all of the words on the same paper, so I folded it so she could only see one word at a time. At the appropiate aisle, I pointed to the word and she read it out loud. Then together we found and selected the fruit item from the bins. She was very proud of herself. Now she keeps referring to herself as “super helper” even when she is talking to herself and playing make-believe.


My 16 month old baby read the word “No” after only seeing it once :nowink:
He takes a bath everyday without crying
He is very friendly and says “Hi” to everyone we see when we are out. EVERYONE.
He plays pretend telephone. Everything is a telephone, including my sister’s mace :confused:
My baby is so cute, he melts hardened criminal hearts :yes:

wow,who can resist bragging about their child… ok here i go…
At 22 months she can read a few words in English. She can ,for sure, read 2 words in Marathi. She can identify shapes including curvilinear triangle and quatrefoil. She can draw circles, purposefully. She recently was able to successfully complete a clothespin task we had been working on for a long time. She can sign for many words. She loves to help me with vacuuming and cooking. She can count , the highest number I heard from her was thirty seven. But she skips so many numbers!!! From her books, she can identify animals like wapiti ,bison, yak. She is bilingual for parts of the body and certain foods. We are working on colors in Marathi. She can speak full sentences in Marathi even though she prefers single words for immeditate needs.
But the best one of them…drumroll please…are her BIG HUGS. She loves to give big hugs as she calls them to her family ( stuffed and real both )

And while I take a breather from all this brag-o-rama about my child, I want to brag about all our super brillkids forum babies…and their wonderful parents. Great work everyone. @helenadrian, your child is doing great, not just OK. As long as he/she loves what he is doing/learning, its great.

Hello to all,

While I can not say that we are as far along as other children her age, I had a pleasant surprise yesterday.

I got LR lite in March (9months) and then upgraded in May. (Until the curriculum came out I was a little disorganized)And while my SO agrees with Ashlyn’s early learning he does not really help as he hates computers, but he encourages me to keep going with the time I have.
Since I started the program Ashlyn has shown great interest in the computer. Now if she sees me on the computer she will crawl over stand up and peek over the top of the table to look at the computer to see if her “words” are on. She bounces like crazy when I open the program, and then she cries when I put her down after its done.

Yesterday while showing the course she clapped when the word for clap came on and waved when the video for waving came on. Although she has responded to us by clapping when we say clap and waving this is the first time she responded to the LR this way. I was so happy. Also since we started she has started ?Babbling 24/7. She was always a little quiet but now she is making sounds like crazy. I’m sure she is saying a certain phrase but I can’t understand it yet. Hopefully soon.
I wish I could spend more time working with her, I feel she would be so much farther ahead.

i just have to share this.

on wed, i left for the airport as i was flying to my hometown to visit my parents. when we reached our destination my sister was late to pick us up so we sat on some benches. someone left a pamphlet saying “do you have insurance you can trust?”

he started playing with it so i jokingly said “hey what does that say?”
he said " you and can and have"

i was silent but i wanted to scream. i havent taught him sight words. we just did them in phrases and stories.

and while we were here at my moms my son emptied one of her kitchen cupboards. he played in there during the course of the day so we left him but at 9:30, way past his bedtime, we were done in the kitchen so my mom told him to pack everything away. we started clearing up the table and didnt notice my son for a bit. i look were he was playing and the floor was clean. we didnt believe he packed everything away and when i opened the cupboard everything was just crammed in so we knew for sure he did it. he has never done that before and there were so many items,
i was so proud!

it was wonderful to get that off my chest. who else would appreciate the airport incident but you guys. i couldnt tell my sister or anyone else what happened coz im not sure they would believe me!!! lol

My two-year-old farts on command! :slight_smile:

purplefungi… that is so funny lol

purplefungi…hahhaha…thats made me laugh in front of pc alone while my baby & hubby sleep soundly @ 4.32 am M’sian time hokayyy!!!

my baby? ooo…my sweet little angel showed tremendous milestone sice birth until now. I posted all her milestones in her super duper blog - but in Malay Languange …hehehe…

she now can say…Addy (daddy), Ami …(Mummy), understand and do most of the actions words like smile, laugh, clap, kick, point,wave, walk, sit, stand… everytime my hubby said NO, she will start to do the action with her tiny point fingers & do the No sign. It look so cute! same goes to yes, she will keep nodding her head. She say the word “A” even before the Brainy Baby DVD say it (she love Brainy Baby so much!!) & the funniest part is …i believe she understand the word, B, C, D, E …but she cant say it yet coz all the word that coming out from her mouth is A…A…A with different intonation!! hahah… she follow the DVD intonation but the word is still A… she really try very very hard to say the word & it looks like she want to popooo but the “things” cannot come out!!! Hhahaha…

She also can say fish & do flying kiss action. She mumbling a lot too! She love to imitate the animal sound like dog & horse sound. I love to whisper to her just to see whether she’s trying to follow my action & surprisingly, she did!!She whisper to me back!! So cute lah this little fella…

She is around 1 year 2 weeks old & I’m very proud of her ability. I can see that she is very focus while watching Education DVD & while learning using LR. Thanks to LR !! Muahhss.s… :biggrin:

Something interesting happened around 10 days back. We had gone to my cousin’s place for a family get-together. We were standing near the parking lot, and all of a sudden, my LO started crying. I looked at the direction he was looking at and saw someone driving away our car. It was apparently a cousin who was driving the car for some short errand. At first, I thought LO was crying because he thought that daddy was going away somewhere. I showed daddy to him, but he turned and looked at the car being driven away…and pointing to the direction it went. I really wonder how, at 1 year and 1 month, he knew which was our car exactly in a totally new parking lot. (in fact, I had to check the numberplate to make sure it was ours).

When the car returned, LO gave a big smile and grabbed the car keys from my cousin and gave it to his daddy and pulled his body forward wanting to go away from that place…I am not sure if this is normal at 1 year old, but I am truly amazed…

Two days ago we sat down to do LM & LR. As usual my son squirmed during LM but when I put on LR he calmed right down. As I was scrolling down to our lesson he started shouting “Dog! Dog! Dog!” I looked all over my screen (the LR screen, the screen saver, etc.) and I couldn’t see any dog so I said “There’s no dog, honey.” and got the lesson going. Yesterday he did the same thing. When the program opened and I was scrolling down to our lesson he again began shouting “Dog, Dog, Dog!” This time I figured out what was going on…on the top of the LR tool bar there is a small icon of a printer. Coming out of the printer is a “page” with the letters d-o-g on it. Turns out there was a dog after all!!!

Wow, isn’t it amazing the little things they can see?! My son does the same things with the smallest letters, words and pictures–things that us adults don’t pay much attention to.