Lesson content for Basic & Deluxe

I’m enjoying my free trial of LR and am pondering the basic vs. deluxe kits. The deluxe package obviously comes with extra “goodies,” but I’m wondering if the computer lesson content of the two is the same or not. In particular, does the basic lesson content also progress to and include the pattern phonics and story-level lessons? These are mentioned in the description of the deluxe package but not the basic one.


Hi LNmom,

Glad to know you’re enjoying your Little Reader trial so far! Here are a few things and links that may help you with your questions:

  1. About the Little Reader Curriculum - http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/curriculum-little-reader.php
  • Please visit this page for more information on what type of lessons are included in each day of the curriculum
  1. Little Reader Curriculum content - http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/content-little-reader.php
  • When you purchase Little Reader Basic or Deluxe, the software will come with the English Curriculum (you can choose to get the US or UK version during checkout)
  • For Little Reader Basic, you may choose to get Semester 1 only (6-month curriculum) or Semester 1+2 (12-month curriculum)
  • Little Reader Deluxe comes with Semester 1+2 (12-month curriculum) content (no option to get only Semester 1)
  • The complete scope of topics covered in the curriculum is in the link above (the list shows the full Semester 1+2 / 12-month curriculum)
  • We don’t have a list specifically for Semester 1 only, but here are a few things to take note of:
    a. Sem 1 starts off with each day having Word Flash, Multisensory, and Picture Flash lessons
    b. Pattern Phonics lessons are introduced starting at Day 21, and will continue until the end of Semester 1 (Sem 2 will include Pattern Phonics lessons right from the first day)
    c. Sem 1 covers lessons on single words, couplets, and phrases / short sentences
    d. Sem 2 covers reviews of Sem 1 lessons, plus new lessons on single words, couplets / phrases, simple sentences, and stories (“Story Time” sessions) will begin in later half of Sem 2
    e. Reviews of previously-learned lesson categories are inserted at certain parts of each semester
  1. Comparison of items included in Little Reader Basic vs Deluxe - http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/whats-in-it.php
  • Little Reader Basic is available as a download-only product or as a boxed set (will incur additional costs for shipping), while Deluxe is only available as a boxed set
  • However, the Little Reader software and curriculum content files are always available for download from your BrillKids Account (even if you get a boxed set)
  • Any software and content updates available later on can be downloaded for free (from your BrillKids Account)

I hope this answers your questions! Let us know if there is anything else that you need help with :yes:

Thanks! I like the idea of being able to download and go, but wanted to make sure the actual lesson contents were the same. I’m not sure what happens to the trial version at the end of 2 weeks, but it seems like it would be easiest to just download the main lessons before it expires so I don’t have to potentially download the LR software again. Thanks for the greater break-down - I’m looking forward to using it with my son!

You’re welcome!
Regarding the trial: When the trial period expires (14 days after installing), the software simply locks a few major functions up and you won’t be able to play the sample lessons in it. You will also get a message like “Little Reader does not have a license…”

Once you do buy the licensed LR software (Basic or Deluxe), you may simply open the trial version you have and enter your key to reactivate it. You don’t need to download and install again, unless the trial software version you have is an older version (the version number is written at the top of the LR window, and also in the Tools > Software Information screen). In your BrillKids Account (My Purchases > LR Software) you will see the version number for the latest one written just above the download button so you may compare this with the one you have in your computer.

Hi. I have some question regarding this:

  1. Are there only 9 days lesson? Because Y only see: Day 001 Lessons to Day 009 Lessons.
  2. When are the rest of the days shown? It is automatic when I finish the day 9?
  3. Suppose I want to start teaching now with my baby. I sit her on the chair, I click on Day 001 Lessons, I click on session 1, and click in picture flash and play it. That’s all for the 1st day? I mean… How much activities of Day 001 can I teach? I have to play all together, all with some hours space between them?
    I read somewhere that there are 2 semesters in the course. Are all they included on the 9 days I see on the Play Courses section?


Hi guille_retro,

This is a very old thread, and since the discussions here there have been some changes to the system.

For the current version of Little Reader (v3.5), this is what will happen once the “PRO trial” period expires:

  • All PRO features of the software will be locked or hidden (all features for editing or customizing lessons like the Play & Edit screen, Override, Download, etc.)

  • You can still continue playing back the starter content (9 days’ worth of sample lessons) as many times as you like.

  • You can buy any curriculum pack and use it with the program (after downloading/installing, you can start playing the lessons without needing to edit any setting).

To answer your questions:

If you only see lessons for Days 1-9, you are most likely looking at the starter content, which are sample lessons from the full curriculum. The full curriculum includes lessons for 260 days, divided into 2 semesters (this applies for all language curricula).

If you already bought any Little Reader curriculum, make sure you’ve downloaded it into your Little Reader software. If you’ve downloaded the lessons already, you need to select the specific semester you are in so you can continue the lessons after Day 9.

Just follow these steps:

  • Go to PLAY COURSES screen
  • In the “Available Courses” box (upper left part of LR window) select Semester 1 (e.g., “BrillKids English (US) Semester 1”)
  • Click on the yellow “Day ### Lessons” bar, then select Day 10
    (- If you prefer to play sessions separately, select the session you need to play next)
  • Press PLAY to start your lesson

The lessons in the curriculum are already laid out for you - the “Day 1” lesson is all you’ll need for one day. You’ll see that each day contains 2 “sessions” - you may choose to play one session in the morning, and the other session in the afternoon/evening, but it’s also alright to play the two sessions one after the other (e.g., if you only have time in the morning or evening).

Thanks so much!
I have another question.
I have already edited a lot of words from the starter course to make them more “Argentinean speaking”.
In case I buy the Spanish curricula, will I lost all changes I already made? I mean if I will have to do them again.

Besides that, are in Little Match and Little Musician a spanish curricula too?


In that case, before you download/install the full Spanish curriculum, please save the categories you’ve edited using the “Export” function (go to TOOLS > Import/Export Content).

For detailed instructions on how to export files, please refer to this article (you can just skip to Step 4): http://support.brillkids.com/hc/en-us/articles/204595154-How-to-import-and-export-Little-Reader-files

After exporting your edited categories, you can proceed with downloading the full Spanish Curriculum file. Once the full curriculum is in your Little Reader, you can import your category file back to overwrite the curriculum with your edits.

For Little Math, the software itself comes with voice and word sets in these languages:

  • English (US)
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Japanese

The math curriculum is in English, but you can switch the voice and word settings to the other languages if you want to play the lessons in another language instead.

To quickly switch the voice and word sets to Spanish, you can simply set those media sets into the default ones by following these steps:

  1. Open Little Math and go to MEDIA LIBRARY.

  2. Go to the “Voice Sets” tab and right-click on any Spanish voice set, then choose “Set as default Voice.” OR if you want to use all three Spanish voices, scroll down the voice list then right-click on the “BK Spanish Voices” group (with a folder icon) and choose “Set as default Group.”

  3. Go to the “Word Sets” tab and right-click on your Spanish word set, then choose “Set as default Word.”

  4. Once done, the next time you play your lessons, all the slides will be in Spanish.

Alternatively, you can use the Override setting to apply the Spanish voice and word sets to your lessons.

You can download additional Spanish voice sets from the BrillKids Library (http://library.brillkids.com), or you can make your own sets especially if you’d like your child to hear your voice (or other family members’ voices) during the lessons. For instructions, please refer to these articles:

Making Word Sets - http://support.brillkids.com/hc/en-us/articles/204596764-How-to-teach-numbers-and-math-in-a-different-language
Making Voice Sets - http://support.brillkids.com/hc/en-us/articles/204596724-How-to-make-your-own-voice-sets-for-Little-Math-lessons

For Little Musician, the curriculum is only available in English, but you can edit or make your own set of Spanish versions (e.g., Instruments knowledge lessons).

Please note that all lesson editing features are only available if you have the corresponding PRO Key for the software you want to customize. You can buy the Little Reader / Little Math / Little Musician PRO Key separately, or if you’re looking to get the curriculum anyway, we recommend that you buy the “Basic” kits instead (for Little Reader, the Basic kit comes with the English Curriculum).

Thanks for your answers!
If I buy the content for LR and LM, I will be able to use them in 2 computers?
In case I also buy the Android app access (iAccess), I will be able to use it in only 1 android?
When it comes to LMusician, I read the tutorial and info, but I havent been able to fin when I will be able to start teaching it to my child. Because it isn’t very clear the age needed. I have a 7 months girl.
I’d like to buy the 3 softwares LR, LM and LMusician, and also the English curriculum in order to teach also English apart from my Spanish mother language.
So How can I manage to do all together?

Please feel free to separate my questions in case you need to put them in other topics and answer there.

Thanks so much!

Hi guille_retro,

Each license key can be used to install and activate the program on UP TO 2 computers (e.g., on your home desktop PC and on a laptop if you travel a lot). This applies to all Little Reader, Little Math and Little Musician curriculum packs, PRO keys and all “Basic” kits.

iAccess will let you download your reading curricula on UP TO 3 iOS or Android devices (where you’ve installed the Little Reader Touch app). Note that your iAccess device(s) are counted separately from your Little Reader PC installations.

All our programs can be used to teach children as young as 4-6 months old and up. You can start playing the music lessons for your daughter at the same time as the reading and math lessons, but if you prefer to introduce the lessons at different times, that’s alright too.