Lego, Blocks and Jigsaws what's normal

Hi All,

I’m trying to find some information about children and lego building, block building and jigsaws.

Does any one know what is normal? I can’t find anything in order to a) work out where he’s at and b) work out where to go to next.

I feel completely in limbo. :confused:

Chur chur

Lego has a brand called duplo and that starts around 18months.

Blocks, do you mean how many blocks do they expect a child to be able to stack at a certain age? or when they start just playing with blocks?

Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry I should have been more specific…I want to know like a milestone outline.

When do they begin to make complex buildings and shapes? He built a “shed” for Thomas yesterday that used all 100 blocks and had spires, is this where he should be at, is it average, is it advanced - I’ve no idea.

Same with jigsaws I just don’t seem to be able to find any indication of what’s normal as far as inset boards and transferring to jigsaws he did a 12 piece jigsaw by himself and has been thoroughly bored with inset boards for ages but I can’t find anything to tell me if these problem solving skills are at the right level or not.

Thanks again

TmS - I’ve been wondering the same thing with my son. He can complete a hundred piece Thomas jigsaw on his and recently started on Lego Technic (which according to his father, he knows where all the pieces go but currently only lacks the manual dexterity to push in the pieces because it’s quite stiff). The only guide we can go by is the recommended age on the box which isn’t very satisfactory. Right now I guess I’m just happy that he enjoys these puzzles and that he’s learning a lot from playing with them.

No clue here either. I will say my boys seem to naturally have a gift for Lego type creating, while my girls do not think so ‘spatially’. The boys also enjoyed puzzles from a younger age. My girls prefer play patterned after real life, such as cooking and playing mommy or doctor. They will use Lego and Duplo, but it si not their first choice. I have one son (he just turned 6) who can put a Lego set together on his own (more than 150 pieces) after putting it together once or twice with instructions. Before he could read at all(we’re new to LR as a family) he could put together a Lego Pirate ship, etc from memory - something mommy still can’t do!

my daughter is 19 months old and doesn’t seem to be interested in building anything with blocks. i was wondering if this is normal or if we should try getting other, similar toys to stimulate her interest. overall, i think it must be individual and not really a girl/boy thing. we have a friend, she’s two and she has played with the same blocks we have for some time now. so, anything is normal i guess. i’d like her to develop different skills, but she doesn’t seem interested. reading, on the other hand, she absolutely loves.

My daughter wanted NOTHING to do with blocks and legos until last month (she’s 2 and 4 months)
One day she showed me the lego box and told me ‘these are my legos’ and started putting them together, I was so surprised.
Same with blocks, she one day pulled the box out, showed me the models on it and asked me to build them with her.


I had been playing katamino with my girl and she really enjoy it. The variation of the game has many level and you can really play it until adulthood. You can even use them to help your kids learn 3D construction. Below is the image of the game:

Awesome - that is just the sort of game I’ve been looking for - thanks!!

My girl was playing with Duplo at about 12 months, sorting, etc, putting them together at about 13 months. Building towers with blocks at 17 months, putting patterns with color blocks at 22 months