legal issues, copyright

Besides using public domain (not Doman-heehee) images from the internet such as those from Wikimedia, can we use images from books, movies, and copyrighted images from the internet if we cite where they come from?


Sorry, didn’t see this until now.

Please see what I wrote here:

It’s definitely a tricky subject. I know that my school gets all into a hissy about not using diagrams (like health promotion models and such) without permission from the author. They will not even display the diagram in class so that we can learn about it because it is someone else’s. That makes it hard to learn sometimes.

Thanks for answering the question! I love your name, by the way…“architect!”

This clarification would really help as i too was wondering whether presentations made by me with pics from net & scanned from books involved copyright issues.

Also i feel that in case there were some editing or modifications made in the images, some effects given, there should not be a problem at all in using those images :wink: (though the link given here already clarifies it is not an issue for teaching purpose).