lefty or righty?

at what age do you know whether your LO is right or left handed?

I knew very early by about 12months that my LO was right handed!!

I would try and put things in her left and right and she would always drop the object in her left and and just use her right.

these days for my 26 month old, i always put the object in her right and she always transfer to the left!.. :frowning:

Mine would use a lot of his left hand. And then when we think he’s a lefty, he would suddenly change to his right hand. haha! Nevermind - you’ve read Suzuki, right? Dr Suzuki said that it’s better to be ambidextrous than have one dominant hand!

Wah, thanks to you, i’ve read like 4 of his books. haha!


good for you, which 4 have you read?

i read that part about ambidextrous too, but found from some research , it really is not so good to be ambidextrous…

The suzuki violinist, the ability from zero, the nurtured love, and then the other one which is not written by suzuki - the parents’ diary.

Why is it not good to be ambidextrous? Left-handed people are more “dextrous” in a sense too, not handicapped if their left hand is injured, unlike us right-handeds who are not v good with the left if not able to use the right.

it might not be clear until your child is 5 or 6.

my son’s erhu teacher is a left-hander. She plays well. She also plays the violin


Kids who play a musical instrument well … although they may have a dominant hand in writing, for instance, they actually have fairly great dexterity in both hands. How would that affect, I wonder. I do notice that, the more “musical” my children are, the greater the emotional swings that child has. Quite stressful to live with. ;(


Funny that you mention music. Just yesterday I was watching my son use claves and then later a maraca and he was totally using his left hand…even for waving the star in the sky for Twinkle Twinkle. Normally he’s right handed :slight_smile:

He’s ambidextrous and I continue to encourage it by his practicing his writing with both hands. Being both or using your non-dominant hand creates more neural pathways and since he plays piano I figured it couldn’t hurt. :yes:


I observed that one of daughter always use her right hand and other uses left hand for writing and eating.
How can I confirm whether they are right handed or left handed.

  • Kreena.

Mine have been a mix of ages, but by 18 months I knew with most of them by observing which hand they favored for eating with silverware and coloring. I have 2 lefties and 3 righties so far, I’m a lefty, and my husband is a righty.