Hi, everyone!
I am currently working on parents/ teachers training putting Soft Mozart Academy together.
While working on materials/quizzes I suddenly realized that many of us have really need to know more about this science. As for my personal experience, many obstacles of teaching in general and especially in teaching skills could be easily understood with the help of neurophysiology.
What helped this science to develop and why is it relatively young (most of the discoveries, data and researches were provided just in 20-21 century)? Unfortunately World War 1 and World War 2 + modern wars contributed a lot to our knowledge about how our brain functions and how it affect not just our bodies, but also our minds. Brain wounds helped scientists to understand many (not all!) of the things that we should know.
There are a lot of literature on Internet about it. You may start from Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuropsychology
I was working on the subject for decades collecting my data and research on that. My book ‘You CAN me a musician’ has a lot to do with neurophysiology as science http://pianolearningsoftware.com/collections/learning-aids/products/book-you-can-be-a-musician-by-hellene-hiner-downloadable_p_36-html
But it seems to me that I need to cut this ‘elephant’ to more pieces and write more little, but digestible information. I will try my best!
But my first question to all of you is: which hemisphere of every human being is getting to be developed first and at what age it passes it’s priority to another?