Learning as a family and early exposure

My husband and I are fluent in only one language: English. lol

We have high hopes of expanding that as a family. Our first focus will be Spanish, because I know a good bit and it is a logical second language in the U.S. We will also begin expanding our knowledge of Sign Language via Signing Time. Our second focus will be German as my husband knows a little from high school.

I hope to eventually begin teaching Josiah (and ourselves!) Greek and Latin via Song School. I want this to help lay the foundation to other languages later.

Over the course of our lives together as a family, I hope to cover:
M. Chinese

in depth. And then to touch upon other languages such as Irish, Dutch, Polish, etc. and maybe even begin learning some heiroglyphs.

Although we will not be able to speak these languages to our son or have the means to provide full immersion in all of these languages, I feel that we should at least give him some exposure through DVDs and CDs at a very early age. Does anyone have any recommendations that won’t break the bank, but may help lay the grounds for language learning in the future? I would really like something tailored to the small children and of good quality, but may not be a whole program as I don’t feel we can adequately focus on so many programs at once. Atleast not in hopes of keeping our sanity.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: