Learning 2 languages

I just had a question for all you who have bilingual kids or who are teaching your kid 2 languages… how does it work? do you just speack to them in both and they just catch on,?? Info anyone?? thanks

Hey Brittanican :slight_smile:

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yes we are billingual.and my step son is speaks spanish.my kids speaks urdu & eng.so yes speak with them .they will catch up by them selves.so my kids under stand urdu now but they can not speak.they answer me in eng.ok thanks.

We are also bilinguial.aand my son can speak 4 language.U just have to speak with ur kid in all language without any doubt.They undertands everything.Believe me they will speak

Hi communication starts certainly through understanding first ,then replying. Children are very intelligent and u shouldn’t in any case under estimate their grasping abilities. They understand u very well even if they don’t answer. Physical response is very important they look at u, at ur eyes, they listen to the pitch of ur voice. I encourage u to teach ur children 2 languages at a time, but they should be 2 languages they are xeposed to everyday, I mean is u are Spanish and ur husband is French u should teach ur chil these 2 languages quiete well. when you feel they r acquiring the language and mastering it well enough u can introduce another language, but don’t overwhelm them.
good luck

would showing them flashcards in 2 languages too overwhelming for them? or should i focus on teaching 2000 words of one language before moving on to the next?

Hi, I’m Spanish teaching my baby English . Some months ago I didn’t Know whether my baby was actually understanding me when I talked to him in English because he was still too little to express himself but now that he is a little bit older he shows me how much he understands me and let me tell you it is impressive how fast children learn different languages. Don’t be afraid and if you are thinking about teaching your baby a second language just do it , your baby will catch it so fast!

Hi lamp, about your question about flashcards in two different languages, I actually don’t know how it should be done , maybe some Brillkids expert could tell us something about it :wink: , but for my own experience with my baby I have to tell you that I’m showing him flashcards of two different languages, English and Spanish, and I don’t think he is getting at all confused :wacko: so I don’t think you should wait showing flashcards in one language before starting to show the other language flashcards. My baby is learning the same words in the two languages and I like thinking he is being able to distinguish the different pronunciation systems. Hope so at least. :slight_smile:

I speak 2 languages, but since I was raised in America, my English is much better than Romanian. My husband and I always speak in English, and though I would teach her certain words and phrases in Romanian, she is much more fluent in English. Once I realized we spoke more English than Romanian, I started focusing on repeating everything I say in Romanian also. This didn’t confuse her, and I’d like to say we are making progress. She’s still much more fluent in English, but I feel she also is understanding Romanian more. My mistake was not being aware how important it is for us as a family to speak more Romanian. They learn from what they hear around them… and not just what we teach them one on one… I also noticed she learns much faster when she watches videos, or goes through these multi media files. She loves to watch home videos of our family… and remembers alot from those videos.

Oh another thing, there are a few words she speaks with my husband’s Romanian accent. It’s kind of funny, (and I think it’s cute :slight_smile: ) but since I don’t have an accent, I do have her say them in syllables to help her say them more correctly.

Hi there, my son speaks 3 languages. We speak to him in our native dialect since he was an infant - we are Singaporeans. And somehow he learns English and Mandarin from school at 3, though we do not speak to him in Eng or Mandarin when he was much younger.

Now he speaks all 3 languages with ease.

We had maid from Philippines and I requested the maid to speak to my younger son Tagalog (her hometown language) and in 1 month, my younger boy is able to understand instructions from my maid in Tagalog. The younger they learn, the faster they grasp the language.