Leap frog IQ test.

Hi all,
If you have an Intelligent or gifted child this is a fun test for them and helps them to use both the right and left brain. It is said that a person with an IQ of 50 can solve it within 3 minutes. Try it.

Hi all,
Well, for those who could’nt solve it…and feeling frustrated, here is the solution.

Worked it out, Thanks I love a good brain teaser.

This is the same as peg puzzle from this site
look it up, there are lots more :slight_smile:

love that frog IQ test! that is worth sharing!

I just saw a catalog of games, but no IQ test in itself

What does it mean when I have to help my wife solve it?!? lol

Some of these are really good. Micro$oft used these types of puzzles to recruit people in the early 90’s. It was how they sorted out the lateral thinkers from the wannabes.

Here is the link to the peg puzzle which is the frog test lol
you can choose the difficulty level
