Laughing at the way other languages pronounce words?

Okay all this while i have exposed my son to English, Arabic and Dhivehi… And on LM, my son has always had a love for the Chinese numbers!!! I dont know why and how but he laughs at the sounds for the numbers in Chinese… and plays it again and again for long periods of time even!

And today I got this wonderful Software called Salhouf, which teached Arabic, English French and Dutch in one setting. So I was trying to do the Arabic of it first and he discovered the French! And I dont know he was laughing at all the words when pronounced in French!!! I couldn’t help it but I was laughing myself out seeing him laugh so hard too! any body had similar experience?

Can anybody help me make him understand that its another language and thats how its pronounced in that language? I dont mock at people and hate it always, but as I see it, hes just finding it funny that they are not pronouncing it right according to him and this is really worrying me cos I really dont want a bully in him!

At his age, I think I’d just take advantage of the fact that he’s having fun! If he’s laughing and enjoying himself, he might be more likely to remember it! Over the next few years, I would just continue to educate him about different cultures and parts of the world.

When my son was a baby he always laughed when my dad or grandmother spoke French. I don’t know why either. He’s almost five and doesn’t do that anymore. It was cute back then :slight_smile: