Late Starter Need Help


My son is 22 months and I just started the YBCR program for English. It has almost been a week, and he doesn’t seem interested or excited to do our mini sessions =( I am sooo disheartened, because I had all the books before he was born and really believe in the program. Now that he is older than my intended time to start 9 months i feel like I lost him.

I don’t want to force him, since Glenn says not to, so was wondering if any of you have used words and then pictures to make it more exciting. Should I try that and see if that works?

I am feeling like if I started earlier I could have prevented this. What else can I do to get him to reading etc.?

Just a quick thought about what’s worked with mine…stop all other tv, at least for a while. Sounds harsh, but a tv diet will help, I promise! Make sure you are watching with him and commenting, getting excited, clapping, singing, standing/kicking/sitting, making comparisons with your own family (Look, we have that same toy, or whatever). Also he may need more time - maybe he’s teething or getting sick and just can’t focus - but don’t stop. We have to remind ourselves all the time to be patient, even after 4! Sometimes mine seem to not be paying attention and then repeat something later!
Oh, 2 more thoughts: if you have a dvd player in the car, use it for school! Unless there’s something really interesting to see, this is good school time! Also, depending on my husband’s work schedule, I have used one snack or mealtime a day as YBCR time - they’re eating, drinking, sitting still anyway in a high chair… We try to keep mealtime as family time, but once or twice a day, even if not the whole dvd, really helped.
Our son has been much tougher than our girls - he’s SOOO full of energy and busy busy! We love him that, though!
Just don’t give up!
Hope this helps!

Thanks Ihdvm00,

I don’t have the YBCR DVD, but I am doing the flashcard with him using slides on the computer. But what you suggested might work. He does watch a little Playhouse Disney and loves Mickey mouse clubhouse. I HAVE reduced it, but since I am trying to study I use his tv time to get some studies done. I am actually going to see, if I can hook up my laptop to the computer so I can flash the words on tv. Maybe that might work better than the computer. BTW… can i gt more info about the DVD? Should I get that for him?

Oh, I’m sorry! You did say books! Duh!
We have loved the dvds and are now on baby #4! When we first bought ours, you could buy them one at a time, so it was easier to see if the program was for us. We actually have worn that set out and bought a second set! We also have the books. Dr. Titzer has answered my e-mails personally and came to a friend’s house for a YBCR get-together - such a nice man, and totally devoted to this work! I may not be a good person to help you because I’m behind on what he’s doing right now…I know there is new stuff out and I’ve got to check it out. But if you can, get the dvds! A small investment and it won’t be wasted time in front of the tv! I don’t what I would have done without them. We do not use babysitters and I needed a few minutes every now and then. I am really not sure “what” worked for our children…it helped having lots of resources and switching them around to keep things interesting. LR/LM is helping me with accountability, and the programs don’t detract from one another.

Until we moved we had our computer connected to the TV for flashcards and it was GREAT! We really need to do that again! Thanks for reminding me! :slight_smile:

Best wishes - please do PM any time you want to chat!

I may not be the best to help. I have been slacking off a lot and not consistent enough, but I started at the same age with my daughter. She was 23 months and didn’t like the YBCR videos very much. She only enjoyed the songs. I got her to watch them for a few months inconsistently. Just enough to realize that she was picking up only some of the words - almost half of the words presented. I had a hunch that the words weren’t so interesting for her. She seemed to learn the animals quickly but not as interested in the other words. So I got Little Reader since there is a good variety of word categories. She did much better. She really enjoyed food and animals words - still does. I’m not knocking YBCR because Dr Titzer’s ads taught me about early reading. If I hadn’t bought YBCR then my daughter wouldn’t have embarked on any early learning. I’ve added dolch/fry words so she can read some carefully constructed sentences. It was the smartest thing that I’ve done so far. She is almost 3 1/2 yrs old.

Maybe your son just needs words that are more stimulating to him. I also agreed with others that you should try the videos because all kids like multisensory stuff. Flashcards just aren’t very stimulating. Although my daughter did like the YBCR sliding pocket cards - they have a peek-a-boo appeal. But I think you will get further with the videos. Also there are some free power point downloads on this site. Maybe you should see if he is interested in them.

Also if you haven’t done so yet, read Glenn Doman’s book - Teach Your Baby To Read. Lots of great advice there.

Don’t be worried about starting late because you are still so much further ahead than the average parent. But don’t slack off like me because you will regret the wasted time. I’m getting back into it but the going is slow.

Good Luck, Lori

Thank you akalori,

Even though u are slacking, and your daughter still picked up half of what you thought, its, still better off than older kids not knowing to read yet. Like Doman said even if you do the program badly you are still helping your son and daughter =)

I think I mixed up YBCR and used it to describe the How to Teach Your Baby to Read. I actually have all of Glenn Doman’s books and love it.
I have added pictures to my slides and am having better luck with that, I will also be hooking up laptop to tv since its a 47inch and my son might not have a problem looking at it. Also, Doman also mentions using words of objects and food etc. that the child likes, so that they may be more interested, hence your daughter liking animals.

But thanks for the feedback, it is helping ot hear back from other parents and knowing what else I can try with my guy =)

I have found I have constantly had to change what I do with my daughter to keep her interested and it did depend on age a lot. At the moment the only things that excite her to read are recipes which we are making and shopping lists when we are in the shops. Use the words he already knows in new contexts - he may never be that interested in YBCR DVDs but once he’s seen the words a few times having them in another context should help.

That’s a good point Tanikit. I’m having trouble getting back on track, but I do recall that we did better with a lot of variety too. I’ve got to get more creative.

Thanks, Lori

We’ve been using Little Reader with my 19 month old and my 36 month old. It holds both of their attentions and the 36 month old asks for it daily. I know one of the draws is it is on the computer, they like getting time with mommy and her computer. lol Cutting out all tv/media for a while is not a bad idea either. :yes: