Language therapy

the otorhinolaryngologist has just recommended my 7 months old baby language therapy and stimulation… does anybody have or know about any resource that can help me with this?
Thank you

Why has he recommended language therapy? My son gets language therapy through his school system for word recall issues. Perhaps you might be eligible for some early intervention services if there is an actual developmental delay. The school system should be able to give you good referrals in your area.

Good Luck, Lori

I have described some of the activities suggested to my dd by a speech and language therapist a couple of years ago here:

You may find some of them useful for your baby.

It is also worth exploring signing and sign language, which a great tool for language stimulation (although I must admit, I did not explore it with LM as much as I should have). Perhaps there are some classes available in your area?

Thank you both…
my son has otitis and his audition is temporarily diminished, his dr recommended to give him language stimulation. He goes since his 4 months old to early stimulation (gymboree), but I want to work with him resources more specific to language.
I’m already looking for a specialized center as well.
Thank you again

It is great that you have taken control over the situation with otitis at such an early stage. My dd’s “glue ear” had gone unnoticed until her speech delay became apparent at 2. Her hearing was tested and she turned out to have mild to moderate hearing loss in both ears. She was then tested 4 times over the period of 4 months and her hearing showed no improvement whatsoever. I don’t know for how long she had been hearing impaired prior to that. Although the opinion of the audiologist is that “glue ear” does not cause speech delay, I keep beating myself up about the lost early years when she was deprived in this important sensory area.

Hope it goes well with your baby. My best wishes!

It has also been a surprise for us, thank God we discover it on time and he’s already under treatment. The doctors have told us that it will take some months to heal, and it is exactly now when he should begin to babble, that’s why I don’t want to stop supporting his language development. Although he listens, he has his ears blocked.
I have seen your link and it is exactly what I was looking for! thank you so much… from now on I will practice everything.

Thanks a lot…
One of my friend was looking for it and i gave her the information from this post.

Appreciate your effort.
